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4 Parametrised Presentations


  1. Provided pp-presentations

In this chapter we describe which pp-presentations for infinite coclass sequences (see ELG08) are provided.

4.1 Provided pp-presentations

  • ParPresGlobalVar_2_1 V
  • ParPresGlobalVar_2_2 V
  • ParPresGlobalVar_3_1 V

    are lists consisting of the pp-presentations of the infinite coclass sequences of finite p-groups of coclass r, where the first number in the name gives the underlying prime and the second the underlying coclass. Each entry in the list is a record rec( rel, expo, n, d, m, prime, cc, expo_vec, name ) with m = 0 and expo_vec = [ ]. The record entries are of a form such that each record can be used as input for PPPPcpGroups. See PPPPcpGroups for more information.

  • ParPresGlobalVar_p_r_Names V

    gives the names of the infinite coclass sequences of finite p-groups of coclass r.

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    SymbCompCC manual
    February 2022