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2 The GAP Package Unipot


  1. General functionality
  2. Unipotent subgroups of Chevalley groups
  3. Elements of unipotent subgroups of Chevalley groups
  4. Symbolic computation

This chapter describes the package Unipot. Mainly, the package provides the ability to compute with elements of unipotent subgroups of Chevalley groups, but also some properties of this groups.

In this chapter we will refer to unipotent subgroups of Chevalley groups as ``unipotent subgroups'' and to elements of unipotent subgroups as ``unipotent elements''. Specifically, we only consider unipotent subgroups generated by all positive root elements.

2.1 General functionality

In this section we will describe the general functionality provided by this package.

  • UnipotChevInfo V

    UnipotChevInfo is an InfoClass used in this package. InfoLevel of this InfoClass is set to 1 by default and can be changed to any level by SetInfoLevel( UnipotChevInfo, n ).

    Following levels are used throughout the package:

    1. ---
    2. When calculating the order of a finite unipotent subgroup, the power presentation of this number is printed. (See Size!for `UnipotChevSubGr' for an example)
    3. When comparing unipotent elements, output, for which of them the canonical form must be computed. (See Equality!for UnipotChevElem for an example)
    4. ---
    5. While calculating the canonical form, output the different steps.
    6. The process of calculating the Chevalley commutator constants is printed on the screen

    2.2 Unipotent subgroups of Chevalley groups

    In this section we will describe the functionality for unipotent subgroups provided by this package.

  • IsUnipotChevSubGr( grp ) C

    Category for unipotent subgroups.

  • UnipotChevSubGr( type, n, F ) F

    UnipotChevSubGr returns the unipotent subgroup U of the Chevalley group of type type, rank n over the ring F.

    type must be one of "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G".

    For the type "A", n must be a positive integer.

    For the types "B" and "C", n must be a positive integer ≥ 2.

    For the type "D", n must be a positive integer ≥ 4.

    For the type "E", n must be one of 6, 7, 8.

    For the type "F", n must be 4.

    For the type "G", n must be 2.

    gap> U_G2 := UnipotChevSubGr("G", 2, Rationals);
    <Unipotent subgroup of a Chevalley group of type G2 over Rationals>
    gap> IsUnipotChevSubGr(U_G2);
    gap> UnipotChevSubGr("E", 3, Rationals);
    Error, <n> must be one of 6, 7, 8 for type E  called from
    UnipotChevFamily( type, n, F ) called from
    <function>( <arguments> ) called from read-eval-loop
    Entering break read-eval-print loop ...
    you can 'quit;' to quit to outer loop, or
    you can 'return;' to continue

  • PrintObj( U ) M
  • ViewObj( U ) M

    Special methods for unipotent subgroups. (see GAP Reference Manual, section View and Print for general information on View and Print)

    gap> Print(U_G2);
    UnipotChevSubGr( "G", 2, Rationals )gap> View(U_G2);
    <Unipotent subgroup of a Chevalley group of type G2 over Rationals>gap>

  • One( U ) M
  • OneOp( U ) M

    Special methods for unipotent subgroups. Return the identity element of the group U. The returned element has representation UNIPOT_DEFAULT_REP (see UNIPOT_DEFAULT_REP).

  • Size( U ) M

    Size returns the order of a unipotent subgroup. This is a special method for unipotent subgroups using the result in Carter Car72, Theorem 5.3.3 (ii).

    gap> SetInfoLevel( UnipotChevInfo, 2 );
    gap> Size( UnipotChevSubGr("E", 8, GF(7)) );
    #I  The order of this group is 7^120 which is
    gap> SetInfoLevel( UnipotChevInfo, 1 );

  • RootSystem( U ) M

    This method is similar to the method RootSystem for semisimple Lie algebras (see Section Semisimple Lie Algebras and Root Systems in the GAP Reference Manual for further information).

    RootSystem returns the underlying root system of the unipotent subgroup U. The returned object is from the category IsRootSystem:

    gap> R_G2 := RootSystem(U_G2);
    <root system of rank 2>
    gap> IsRootSystem(last);
    gap> SimpleSystem(R_G2);
    [ [ 2, -1 ], [ -3, 2 ] ]

    Additionally to the properties and attributes described in the Reference Manual, following attributes are installed for the Root Systems by the package Unipot:

  • PositiveRootsFC( R ) A
  • NegativeRootsFC( R ) A

    The list of positive resp. negative roots of the root system R. Every root is represented as a list of coefficients of the linear combination in fundamental roots. E.g. let r=∑i=1l kiri, where r1, ..., rl are the fundamental roots, then r is represented as the list [k1, ..., kl].

    gap> U_E6 := UnipotChevSubGr("E",6,GF(2));
    <Unipotent subgroup of a Chevalley group of type E6 over GF(2)>
    gap> R_E6 := RootSystem(U_E6);
    <root system of rank 6>
    gap> PositiveRoots(R_E6){[1..6]};
    [ [ 2,  0, -1, 0,  0, 0 ], [ 0, 2, 0, -1, 0,  0 ], [ -1, 0, 2, -1,  0, 0 ],
      [ 0, -1, -1, 2, -1, 0 ], [ 0, 0, 0, -1, 2, -1 ], [  0, 0, 0,  0, -1, 2 ] ]
    gap> PositiveRootsFC(R_E6){[1..6]};
    [ [ 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0 ],
      [ 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0 ], [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 ] ]
    gap> PositiveRootsFC(R)[Length(PositiveRootsFC(R_E6))]; # the highest root
    [ 1, 2, 2, 3, 2, 1 ]

  • GeneratorsOfGroup( U ) M

    This is a special Method for unipotent subgroups of finite Chevalley groups.

  • Representative( U ) M

    This method returns an element of the unipotent subgroup U with indeterminates instead of ring elements. Such an element could be used for symbolic computations (see Symbolic Computation). The returned element has representation UNIPOT_DEFAULT_REP (see UNIPOT_DEFAULT_REP).

    gap> Representative(U_G2);
    x_{1}( t_1 ) * x_{2}( t_2 ) * x_{3}( t_3 ) * x_{4}( t_4 ) * 
    x_{5}( t_5 ) * x_{6}( t_6 )

  • CentralElement( U ) M

    This method returns the representative of the center of U without calculating the center.

    2.3 Elements of unipotent subgroups of Chevalley groups

    In this section we will describe the functionality for unipotent elements provided by this package.

  • IsUnipotChevElem( elm ) C

    Category for elements of a unipotent subgroup.

  • IsUnipotChevRepByRootNumbers( elm ) R
  • IsUnipotChevRepByFundamentalCoeffs( elm ) R
  • IsUnipotChevRepByRoots( elm ) R

    IsUnipotChevRepByRootNumbers, IsUnipotChevRepByFundamentalCoeffs and IsUnipotChevRepByRoots are different representations for unipotent elements.

    Roots of elements with representation IsUnipotChevRepByRootNumbers are represented by their numbers (positions) in PositiveRoots(RootSystem(U)).

    Roots of elements with representation IsUnipotChevRepByFundamentalCoeffs are represented by elements of PositiveRootsFC(RootSystem(U)).

    Roots of elements with representation IsUnipotChevRepByRoots are represented by roots themself, i.e. elements of PositiveRoots(RootSystem(U)).

    (See UnipotChevElemByRootNumbers, UnipotChevElemByFundamentalCoeffs and UnipotChevElemByRoots for examples.)


    This variable contains the default representation for newly created elements, e.g. created by One or Random. When Unipot is loaded, the default representation is IsUnipotChevRepByRootNumbers and can be changed by assigning a new value to UNIPOT_DEFAULT_REP.

    gap> UNIPOT_DEFAULT_REP := IsUnipotChevRepByFundamentalCoeffs;;

    Note that Unipot doesn't check the type of this value, i.e. you may assign any value to UNIPOT_DEFAULT_REP, which may result in errors in following commands:

    gap> UNIPOT_DEFAULT_REP := 3;;
    gap> One( U_G2 );
    ... Error message ...

  • UnipotChevElemByRootNumbers( U, roots, felems ) O
  • UnipotChevElemByRootNumbers( U, root, felem ) O
  • UnipotChevElemByRN( U, roots, felems ) O
  • UnipotChevElemByRN( U, root, felem ) O

    UnipotChevElemByRootNumbers returns an element of a unipotent subgroup U with representation IsUnipotChevRepByRootNumbers (see IsUnipotChevRepByRootNumbers).

    roots should be a list of root numbers, i.e. integers from the range 1, ..., Length(PositiveRoots(RootSystem(U))). And felems a list of corresponding ring elements or indeterminates over that ring (see GAP Reference Manual, Indeterminate for general information on indeterminates or section Symbolic computation of this manual for examples).

    The second variant of UnipotChevElemByRootNumbers is an abbreviation for the first one if roots and felems contain only one element.

    UnipotChevElemByRN is just a synonym for UnipotChevElemByRootNumbers.

    gap> IsIdenticalObj( UnipotChevElemByRN, UnipotChevElemByRootNumbers );
    gap> y := UnipotChevElemByRootNumbers(U_G2, [1,5], [2,7] );
    x_{1}( 2 ) * x_{5}( 7 )
    gap> x := UnipotChevElemByRootNumbers(U_G2, 1, 2);
    x_{1}( 2 )

    In this example we create two elements: xr1( 2 ) ·xr5( 7 ) and xr1( 2 ), where ri, i = 1, ..., 6 are the positive roots in PositiveRoots(RootSystem(U)) and xri(t), i = 1, ..., 6 the corresponding root elements.

  • UnipotChevElemByFundamentalCoeffs( U, roots, felems ) O
  • UnipotChevElemByFundamentalCoeffs( U, root, felem ) O
  • UnipotChevElemByFC( U, roots, felems ) O
  • UnipotChevElemByFC( U, root, felem ) O

    UnipotChevElemByFundamentalCoeffs returns an element of a unipotent subgroup U with representation IsUnipotChevRepByFundamentalCoeffs (see IsUnipotChevRepByFundamentalCoeffs).

    roots should be a list of elements of PositiveRootsFC(RootSystem(U)). And felems a list of corresponding ring elements or indeterminates over that ring (see GAP Reference Manual, Indeterminate for general information on indeterminates or section Symbolic computation of this manual for examples).

    The second variant of UnipotChevElemByFundamentalCoeffs is an abbreviation for the first one if roots and felems contain only one element.

    UnipotChevElemByFC is just a synonym for UnipotChevElemByFundamentalCoeffs.

    gap> PositiveRootsFC(RootSystem(U_G2));
    [ [ 1, 0 ], [ 0, 1 ], [ 1, 1 ], [ 2, 1 ], [ 3, 1 ], [ 3, 2 ] ]
    gap> y1 := UnipotChevElemByFundamentalCoeffs( U_G2, [[ 1, 0 ], [ 3, 1 ]], [2,7] );
    x_{[ 1, 0 ]}( 2 ) * x_{[ 3, 1 ]}( 7 )
    gap> x1 := UnipotChevElemByFundamentalCoeffs( U_G2, [ 1, 0 ], 2 );
    x_{[ 1, 0 ]}( 2 )

    In this example we create the same two elements as in UnipotChevElemByRootNumbers: x[ 1, 0 ]( 2 ) ·x[ 3, 1 ]( 7 ) and x[ 1, 0 ]( 2 ), where [ 1, 0 ] = 1r1 + 0r2 = r1 and [ 3, 1 ] = 3r1 + 1r2=r5 are the first and the fifth positive roots of PositiveRootsFC(RootSystem(U)) respectively.

  • UnipotChevElemByRoots( U, roots, felems ) O
  • UnipotChevElemByRoots( U, root, felem ) O
  • UnipotChevElemByR( U, roots, felems ) O
  • UnipotChevElemByR( U, root, felem ) O

    UnipotChevElemByRoots returns an element of a unipotent subgroup U with representation IsUnipotChevRepByRoots (see IsUnipotChevRepByRoots).

    roots should be a list of elements of PositiveRoots( or indeterminates over that ring (see GAP Reference Manual, "ref:Indeterminate" for general information on indeterminates or section "Symbolic computation" of this manual for examples).

    The second variant of `UnipotChevElemByRoots is an abbreviation for the first one if roots and felems contain only one element.

    UnipotChevElemByR is just a synonym for UnipotChevElemByRoots.

    gap> PositiveRoots(RootSystem(U_G2));
    [ [ 2, -1 ], [ -3, 2 ], [ -1, 1 ], [ 1, 0 ], [ 3, -1 ], [ 0, 1 ] ]
    gap> y2 := UnipotChevElemByRoots( U_G2, [[ 2, -1 ], [ 3, -1 ]], [2,7] );
    x_{[ 2, -1 ]}( 2 ) * x_{[ 3, -1 ]}( 7 )
    gap> x2 := UnipotChevElemByRoots( U_G2, [ 2, -1 ], 2 );
    x_{[ 2, -1 ]}( 2 )

    In this example we create again the two elements as in previous examples: x[ 2, −1 ]( 2 ) ·x[ 3, −1 ]( 7 ) and x[ 2, −1 ]( 2 ), where [ 2, −1 ] = r1 and [ 3, −1 ] = r5 are the first and the fifth positive roots of PositiveRoots(RootSystem( U)) respectively.

  • UnipotChevElemByRootNumbers( x ) O
  • UnipotChevElemByFundamentalCoeffs( x ) O
  • UnipotChevElemByRoots( x ) O

    These three methods are provided for converting a unipotent element to the respective representation.

    If x has already the required representation, then x itself is returned. Otherwise a new element with the required representation is generated.

    gap> x;
    x_{1}( 2 )
    gap> x1 := UnipotChevElemByFundamentalCoeffs( x );
    x_{[ 1, 0 ]}( 2 )
    gap> IsIdenticalObj(x, x1); x = x1;
    gap> x2 := UnipotChevElemByFundamentalCoeffs( x1 );;
    gap> IsIdenticalObj(x1, x2);

    Note: If some attributes of x are known (e.g Inverse (see Inverse!for `UnipotChevElem') or CanonicalForm (see CanonicalForm)), then they are ``converted'' to the new representation, too.

     UnipotChevElemByRootNumbers( U, list ) O
     UnipotChevElemByRoots( U, list ) O
     UnipotChevElemByFundamentalCoeffs( U, list ) O

    DEPRECATED These are old versions of UnipotChevElemByXX (from Unipot 1.0 and 1.1). They are deprecated now and exist for compatibility only. They may be removed at any time.

  • CanonicalForm( x ) A

    CanonicalForm returns the canonical form of x. For more information on the canonical form see Carter Car72, Theorem 5.3.3 (ii). It says:

    Each element of a unipotent subgroup U of a Chevalley group with root system Φ is uniquely expressible in the form

    ri ∈ Φ+ 
    where the product is taken over all positive roots in increasing order.

    gap> z := UnipotChevElemByFC( U_G2, [[0,1], [1,0]], [3,2]);
    x_{[ 0, 1 ]}( 3 ) * x_{[ 1, 0 ]}( 2 )
    gap> CanonicalForm(z);
    x_{[ 1, 0 ]}( 2 ) * x_{[ 0, 1 ]}( 3 ) * x_{[ 1, 1 ]}( 6 ) *
    x_{[ 2, 1 ]}( 12 ) * x_{[ 3, 1 ]}( 24 ) * x_{[ 3, 2 ]}( -72 )

    So if we call the positive roots r1,...,r6, we have z = xr2(3)xr1(2) = xr1( 2 ) xr2( 3 ) xr3( 6 ) xr4( 12 ) xr5( 24 ) xr6( −72 ).

  • PrintObj( x ) M
  • ViewObj( x ) M

    Special methods for unipotent elements. (see GAP Reference Manual, section View and Print for general information on View and Print). The output depends on the representation of x.

    gap> Print(x);
    UnipotChevElemByRootNumbers( UnipotChevSubGr( "G", 2, Rationals ), \
    [ 1 ], [ 2 ] )gap> View(x);
    x_{1}( 2 )gap>
    gap> Print(x1);
    UnipotChevElemByFundamentalCoeffs( UnipotChevSubGr( "G", 2, Rationals ), \
    [ [ 1, 0 ] ], [ 2 ] )gap> View(x1);
    x_{[ 1, 0 ]}( 2 )gap>

  • ShallowCopy( x ) M

    This is a special method for unipotent elements.

    ShallowCopy creates a copy of x. The returned object is not identical to x but it is equal to x w.r.t. the equality operator =. Note that CanonicalForm and Inverse of x (if known) are identical to CanonicalForm and Inverse of the returned object.

    (See GAP Reference Manual, section Duplication of Objects for further information on copyability)

  • x = y M

    Special method for unipotent elements. If x and y are identical or are products of the same root elements then true is returned. Otherwise CanonicalForm (see CanonicalForm) of both arguments must be computed (if not already known), which may be expensive. If the canonical form of one of the elements must be calculated and InfoLevel of UnipotChevInfo is at least 3, the user is notified about this:

    gap> y := UnipotChevElemByRN( U_G2, [1,5], [2,7] );
    x_{1}( 2 ) * x_{5}( 7 )
    gap> z := UnipotChevElemByRN( U_G2, [5,1], [7,2] );
    x_{5}( 7 ) * x_{1}( 2 )
    gap> SetInfoLevel( UnipotChevInfo, 3 );
    gap> y=z;
    #I  CanonicalForm for the 1st argument is not known.
    #I                    computing it may take a while.
    #I  CanonicalForm for the 2nd argument is not known.
    #I                    computing it may take a while.
    gap> SetInfoLevel( UnipotChevInfo, 1 );

  • x < y M

    Special Method for UnipotChevElem

    This is needed e.g. by AsSSortetList.

    The ordering is computed in the following way: Let x = xr1(s1) ·.·xrn(sn) and y = xr1(t1) ·.·xrn(tn), then

    x < y     ⇔     [ s1, ..., sn ] < [ t1, ..., tn ],

    where the lists are compared lexicographically. e.g. for x = xr1(1)xr2(1) = xr1(1)xr2(1)xr3(0) (field elems: [ 1, 1, 0 ]) and y = xr1(1)xr3(1) = xr1(1)xr2(0)xr3(1) (field elems: [ 1, 0, 1 ]) we have y < x (above lists ordered lexicographically).

  • x * y M

    Special method for unipotent elements. The expressions in the form xr(t)xr(u) will be reduced to xr(t+u) whenever possible.

    gap> y;z;
    x_{1}( 2 ) * x_{5}( 7 )
    x_{5}( 7 ) * x_{1}( 2 )
    gap> y*z;
    x_{1}( 2 ) * x_{5}( 14 ) * x_{1}( 2 )

    Note: The representation of the product will be always the representation of the first argument.

    gap> x; x1; x=x1;
    x_{1}( 2 )
    x_{[ 1, 0 ]}( 2 )
    gap> x * x1;
    x_{1}( 4 )
    gap> x1 * x;
    x_{[ 1, 0 ]}( 4 )

  • OneOp( x ) M

    Special method for unipotent elements. OneOp returns the multiplicative neutral element of x. This is equal to x^0.

  • Inverse( x ) M
  • InverseOp( x ) M

    Special methods for unipotent elements. We are using the fact

    xr1( t1) ···xrm(tm)
    = xrm(−tm) ···xr1(−t1) .

  • IsOne( x ) M

    Special method for unipotent elements. Returns true if and only if x is equal to the identity element.

  • x ^ i M

    Integral powers of the unipotent elements are calculated by the default methods installed in GAP. But special (more efficient) methods are instlled for root elements and for the identity.

  • x ^ y M

    Conjugation of two unipotent elements, i.e. xy = y−1xy. The representation of the result will be the representation of x.

  • Comm( x, y ) M
  • Comm( x, y, "canonical" ) M

    Special methods for unipotent elements.

    Comm returns the commutator of x and y, i.e. x −1 ·y −1 ·x ·y . The second variant returns the canonical form of the commutator. In some cases it may be more efficient than CanonicalForm( Comm( x, y ) )

  • IsRootElement( x ) P

    IsRootElement returns true if and only if x is a root element, i.e. x =xr(t) for some root r. We store this property immediately after creating objects.

    Note: the canonical form of x may be a root element even if x isn't one.

    gap> x := UnipotChevElemByRN( U_G2, [1,5,1], [2,7,-2] );
    x_{1}( 2 ) * x_{5}( 7 ) * x_{1}( -2 )
    gap> IsRootElement(x);
    gap> CanonicalForm(x); IsRootElement(CanonicalForm(x));
    x_{5}( 7 )

  • IsCentral( U, z )

    Special method for a unipotent subgroup and a unipotent element.

    2.4 Symbolic computation

    In some cases, calculation with explicite elements is not enough. Unipot povides a way to do symbolic calculations with unipotent elements for this purpose. This is done by using indeterminates (see GAP Reference Manual, Indeterminates for more information) over the underlying field instead of the field elements.

    gap> U_G2 := UnipotChevSubGr("G", 2, Rationals);;
    gap> a := Indeterminate( Rationals, "a" );
    gap> b := Indeterminate( Rationals, "b", [a] );
    gap> c := Indeterminate( Rationals, "c", [a,b] );
    gap> x := UnipotChevElemByFC(U_G2, [ [3,1], [1,0], [0,1] ], [a,b,c] );
    x_{[ 3, 1 ]}( a ) * x_{[ 1, 0 ]}( b ) * x_{[ 0, 1 ]}( c )
    gap> CanonicalForm(x);
    x_{[ 1, 0 ]}( b ) * x_{[ 0, 1 ]}( c ) * x_{[ 3, 1 ]}( a ) *
    x_{[ 3, 2 ]}( a*c )
    gap> CanonicalForm(x^-1);
    x_{[ 1, 0 ]}( -b ) * x_{[ 0, 1 ]}( -c ) * x_{[ 1, 1 ]}( b*c ) *
    x_{[ 2, 1 ]}( -b^2*c ) * x_{[ 3, 1 ]}( -a+b^3*c ) * x_{[ 3, 2 ]}( b^3*c^2 )

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    unipot manual
    July 2024