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2 Nearrings


  1. Defining a nearring multiplication
  2. Construction of nearrings
  3. Direct products of nearrings
  4. Operation tables for nearrings
  5. Modified symbols for the operation tables
  6. Accessing nearring elements
  7. Nearring elements
  8. Random nearring elements
  9. Nearring generators
  10. Size of a nearring
  11. The additive group of a nearring
  12. Nearring endomorphisms
  13. Nearring automorphisms
  14. Isomorphic nearrings
  15. Subnearrings
  16. Invariant subnearrings
  17. Constructing subnearrings
  18. Intersection of nearrings
  19. Identity of a nearring
  20. Units of a nearring
  21. Distributivity in a nearring
  22. Elements of a nearring with special properties
  23. Special properties of a nearring

A (left) nearring is a nonempty set N together with two binary operations on N, + and · s.t. (N,+) is a group, (N,·) is a semigroup, and · is left distributive over +, i.e. ∀n1,n2,n3Nn1·(n2+n3) = n1·n2 + n1·n3.

For more information we suggest Pilz:Nearrings, meldrum85:NATLWG, and Clay:Nearrings.

The functions described in this section can be found in the source files nr.g? and nrconstr.g?.

2.1 Defining a nearring multiplication

  • IsNearRingMultiplication( G, mul, [lcs] )

    The arguments of the function IsNrMultiplication are a group G, a GAP-function mul which has two arguments x and y which must both be elements of the group G and returns an element z of G s.t. mul defines a binary operation on G. As an optional third parameter IsNrMultiplication accepts a list of control strings lcs.

    IsNearRingMultiplication returns true (false) if mul is (is not) a nearring multiplication on G i.e. it checks whether it is well-defined, associative and left distributive over the group operation of G. The list lcs may contain one or more of the strings "closed" , "ass" and "rdistr" in which case the according property is not tested. In this case it is assumed that the user has checked it. This feature should only be used in cases where it would take too long to check certain laws element by element and the user is absolutely sure about the correctness.

        gap> G := TWGroup( 24, 6 );
        gap> mul_l := function ( x, y ) return y; end;
        function ( x, y ) ... end
        gap> IsNearRingMultiplication( G, mul_l );
        gap> mul_r := function ( x, y ) return x; end;
        function ( x, y ) ... end
        gap> IsNearRingMultiplication( G, mul_r );          
        #I  specified multiplication is not left distributive.
        gap> IsNearRingMultiplication( G, mul_r, ["closed","ldistr"] );

  • NearRingMultiplicationByOperationTable( G, table, elmlist )

    The function NearRingMultiplicationByOperationTable returns the nearring multiplication on the group G which is defined by the multiplication table table. Rather than group elements the entries of table are the positions of the group element in the list elmlist (the first element in elmlist is 1, the second is 2, a.s.o.). Usually the neutral element of the group will be the first.

    IsNearRingMultiplication can be used to check whether the resulting multiplication is indeed a nearring multiplication on G.

        gap> G := CyclicGroup( 4 );            
        <pc group of size 4 with 2 generators>
        gap> GeneratorsOfGroup( G );
        [ f1, f2 ]
        gap> a := last[1];
        gap> Order( a );
        gap> # a generates G indeed
        gap> elmlist := List( [0..3], x -> a^x );
        [ <identity> of ..., f1, f2, f1*f2 ]
        gap> # Let:  1 := identity of ..., 2 := f1, 3 := f2, 4 := f1*f2
        gap> # Consider the following multiplication table on G:
        gap> OT := [[1, 1, 1, 1],
        > [1, 4, 3, 2],                                                   
        > [1, 1, 1, 1],
        > [1, 2, 3, 4]];;
            gap> mul := NearRingMultiplicationByOperationTable( G, OT, elmlist );
        function ( x, y ) ... end
        gap> IsNearRingMultiplication( G, mul );

    2.2 Construction of nearrings

  • ExplicitMultiplicationNearRing( G, mul )

    The constructor function ExplicitMultiplicationNearRing returns the nearring defined by the group G and the nearring multiplication mul. (For a detailed explanation of mul see Section IsNearRingMultiplication.)

    ExplicitMultiplicationNearRing calls IsNearRingMultiplication in order to make sure that mul is really a nearring multiplication. If the nearring multiplication should not be checked,

  • ExplicitMultiplicationNearRingNC( G, mul )

    may be called.

        gap> n := ExplicitMultiplicationNearRing( GTW18_3, mul_l );
        ExplicitMultiplicationNearRing ( 18/3 , multiplication )
        gap> n = ExplicitMultiplicationNearRingNC( GTW18_3, mul_l );

  • IsNearRing( obj )

    IsNearRing returns true if the object obj is a nearring and false otherwise.

        gap> n := ExplicitMultiplicationNearRingNC( GTW18_3, mul_l );
        ExplicitMultiplicationNearRing ( 18/3 , multiplication )
        gap> IsNearRing( n );                                       
        gap> IsNearRing( GroupReduct( n ) );

  • IsExplicitMultiplicationNearRing( obj )

    IsExplicitMultiplicationNearRing returns true, if the object obj is a nearring defined by a group and a multiplication as with ExplicitMultiplicationNearRing.

        gap> IsExplicitMultiplicationNearRing( n );

    2.3 Direct products of nearrings

  • DirectProductNearRing( nr1, nr2 )

    Given two nearrings nr1 and nr2, the function DirectProductNearRing constructs the direct product of these.

        gap> n := ExplicitMultiplicationNearRingNC( GTW18_3, mul_l );
        ExplicitMultiplicationNearRing ( 18/3 , multiplication )
        gap> zero_mul := function ( x, y ) return (); end;
        function ( x, y ) ... end
        gap> z := ExplicitMultiplicationNearRingNC( GTW12_3, zero_mul );
        ExplicitMultiplicationNearRing ( 12/3 , multiplication )
        gap> d := DirectProductNearRing( n, z );
        DirectProductNearRing( ExplicitMultiplicationNearRing ( 18/3 , multi\
        plication ), ExplicitMultiplicationNearRing ( 12/3 , multiplication \
        ) )
        gap> IsExplicitMultiplicationNearRing( d );

    2.4 Operation tables for nearrings

  • PrintTable( nr )

    PrintTable prints the additive and multiplicative Cayley tables of the nearring nr. This function works the same way as for groups.

        gap> n := ExplicitMultiplicationNearRingNC( CyclicGroup( 3 ), mul_l );
        ExplicitMultiplicationNearRing ( <pc group of size 3 with 
        1 generator> , multiplication )
        gap> SetSymbols( n, ["0","1","2"] );
        gap> PrintTable( n );               
        0 := (<identity> of ...)
        1 := (f1)
        2 := (f1^2)
          +  | 0  1  2  
          0  | 0  1  2  
          1  | 1  2  0  
          2  | 2  0  1  
          *  | 0  1  2  
          0  | 0  1  2  
          1  | 0  1  2  
          2  | 0  1  2  

    Optionally, PrintTable can be used in the form PrintTable( nr, mode ), where mode is a string. If the letter e is contained in this string, the definitions of the symbols used are printed, if the letter a is contained in the string, the addition table is printed, and if the letter m is contained in the string, the multiplication table of the nearring is printed. Every combination of these three letters in any order is possible.

    2.5 Modified symbols for the operation tables

  • SetSymbols( nr, symblist )
  • SetSymbolsSupervised( nr, symblist )

    The function SetSymbols and SetSymbolsSupervised allow you to define a list symblist of strings to be used when printing the operation tables of the nearring. SetSymbols simply sets the set of strings to the given value. SetSymbolsSupervised checks, if there are more symbols than the nearring has elements. In this case the superfluous strings are ignored. If there are less symbols than the nearring has elements, SetSymbolsSupervised ``invents'' unique names for the rest of the elements. In any case a warning is printed. If there are repetitions or holes in the list symblist an error is signaled.

  • Symbols( nr )

    allows you to look at the set of symbols, which are currently in use.

        gap> n := LibraryNearRing( GTW3_1, 4 );
        LibraryNearRing(3/1, 4)
        gap> Symbols( n );
        [ "n0", "n1", "n2" ]
        gap> SetSymbolsSupervised( n,
                ["apple", "banana", "coconut", "donut", "potato"] );
        Warning: too many symbols ...ignoring the last 2 symbols
        gap> PrintTable( n, "m" );
                *  | apple    banana   coconut  
          apple    | apple    apple    apple    
          banana   | apple    banana   coconut  
          coconut  | apple    banana   coconut  

    2.6 Accessing nearring elements

    The elements of a nearring are different from those of its group reduct. In order to make group elements and nearring elements distinguishable for the user, nearring elements are printed with an extra pair of parentheses. The two functions AsGroupReductElement and AsNearRingElement can be used to switch between these two representations.

  • AsNearRingElement( nr, grpelm )

    returns the representation as a nearring element of an element grpelm of the group reduct of the nearring nr.

  • AsGroupReductElement( nrelm )

    returns the representation as an element of the group reduct of the nearring of the nearring element nrelm.

        gap> mul_l := function ( x, y ) return y; end;              
        function ( x, y ) ... end
        gap> n := ExplicitMultiplicationNearRingNC( GTW6_2, mul_l );
        ExplicitMultiplicationNearRing ( 6/2 , multiplication )
        gap> AsList( n );
        [ (()), ((2,3)), ((1,2)), ((1,2,3)), ((1,3,2)), ((1,3)) ]
        gap> e := AsNearRingElement( n, (2,3) );
        gap> e in n;
        gap> f := AsNearRingElement( n, (1,3) );
        gap> e + f;
        gap> e * f;
        gap> p := AsGroupReductElement( e );                      
        gap> IsPerm( p );
        gap> p + p;
        Error no method found for operation SUM with 2 arguments at
        Error( "no method found for operation ", NAME_FUNC( operation ), 
         " with 2 arguments" );
        Entering break read-eval-print loop, you can 'quit;' to quit to outer l\
        or you can return to continue

    2.7 Nearring elements

    There are three different ways to ask for the elements of a nearring.

  • AsList( nr )

    The function AsList computes the elements of the nearring nr. It returns the elements as a list.

  • AsSortedList( nr )

    does essentially the same, but returns a set of elements.

  • Enumerator( nr )

    does essentially the same as AsList, but returns an enumerator for the elements of nr. An enumerator is an object that is capable of enumerating the elements the nearring one by one. This is especially important if the nearring is very big and not every element can be stored.

        gap> n := LibraryNearRing( GTW6_2, 39 );                    
        LibraryNearRing(6/2, 39)
        gap> e := Enumerator( n );                                  
        <enumerator of near ring>
        gap> e[1];
        gap> x := AsNearRingElement( n, (1,2,3) );
        gap> Position( e, x );
        gap> Length(e);
        gap> l := AsList( n );                                           
        [ (()), ((2,3)), ((1,2)), ((1,2,3)), ((1,3,2)), ((1,3)) ]
        gap> e[3] = l[3];
        gap> AsSortedList( n );                                     
        [ (()), ((2,3)), ((1,2)), ((1,2,3)), ((1,3,2)), ((1,3)) ]

    2.8 Random nearring elements

  • Random( nr )

    Random returns a random element of the nearring nr.

        gap> n := LibraryNearRing( GTW6_2, 39 );                    
        LibraryNearRing(6/2, 39)
        gap> Random(n);

    2.9 Nearring generators

  • GeneratorsOfNearRing( nr )

    The function GeneratorsOfNearRing returns a set of (not necessarily additive) generators of the nearring nr.

        gap> n := ExplicitMultiplicationNearRingNC( GTW8_4, mul_l );
        ExplicitMultiplicationNearRing ( 8/4 , multiplication )
        gap> GeneratorsOfNearRing( n );
        [ ((1,2,3,4)), ((2,4)) ]

    2.10 Size of a nearring

  • Size( nr )

    Size returns the number of elements in the nearring nr.

        gap> n := LibraryNearRingWithOne( GTW24_3, 8 );
        LibraryNearRingWithOne(24/3, 8)
        gap> Size(n);

    2.11 The additive group of a nearring

  • GroupReduct( nr )

    The function GroupReduct returns the nearring nr as a (multiplicative) group.

        gap> GroupReduct( LibraryNearRingWithOne( GTW24_3, 8 ) );

    2.12 Nearring endomorphisms

  • Endomorphisms( nr )

    Endomorphisms computes all the endomorphisms of the nearring nr. The endomorphisms are returned as a list of transformations. In fact, the returned list contains those endomorphisms of the group reduct of nr which are also nearring endomorphisms.

        gap> Endomorphisms ( LibraryNearRing( GTW12_4, 4 ) ) ;
        [ [ (1,2,4), (2,3,4) ] -> [ (), () ], 
          [ (1,2,4), (2,3,4) ] -> [ (1,2,4), (2,3,4) ] ]
        gap> Length( Endomorphisms( GTW12_4 ) );

    2.13 Nearring automorphisms

  • Automorphisms( nr )

    Automorphisms computes all the automorphisms of the nearring nr. The automorphisms are returned as a list of transformations. In fact, the returned list contains those automorphisms of the group reduct of nr which are also nearring automorphisms.

        gap> Automorphisms( LibraryNearRing( GTW12_4, 4 ) );
        [ IdentityMapping( 12/4 ) ]

    2.14 Isomorphic nearrings

  • IsIsomorphicNearRing( nr1, nr2 )

    The function IsIsomorphicNearRing returns true if the two nearrings nr1 and nr2 are isomorphic and false otherwise.

        gap> IsIsomorphicNearRing( MapNearRing( GTW2_1 ),                       
        > LibraryNearRingWithOne( GTW4_2, 5 ) );

    2.15 Subnearrings

  • SubNearRings( nr )

    The function SubNearRings computes all subnearrings of the nearring nr. The function returns a list of nearrings representing the according subnearrings.

        gap> n := LibraryNearRing( GTW12_4, 8 );
        LibraryNearRing(12/4, 8)
        gap> SubNearRings( n );
        [ ExplicitMultiplicationNearRing ( Group(()) , multiplication ),
          ExplicitMultiplicationNearRing ( Group([ (1,4)(2,3) ]) , multiplication ),
          ExplicitMultiplicationNearRing ( Group([ (1,2)(3,4) ]) , multiplication ),
          ExplicitMultiplicationNearRing ( Group([ (2,3,4) ]) , multiplication ),
          ExplicitMultiplicationNearRing ( Group([ (1,2,4) ]) , multiplication ),
          ExplicitMultiplicationNearRing ( Group([ (1,3,2) ]) , multiplication ),
          ExplicitMultiplicationNearRing ( Group([ (1,4,3) ]) , multiplication ),
          ExplicitMultiplicationNearRing ( Group([ (1,4)(2,3), (1,3)(2,4)
             ]) , multiplication ), ExplicitMultiplicationNearRing ( Group(
            [ (1,4)(2,3), (1,3)(2,4), (2,3,4) ]) , multiplication ) ]

    2.16 Invariant subnearrings

  • InvariantSubNearRings( nr )

    A subnearring (M,+,·) of a nearring (N,+,·) is called an invariant subnearring if both, M ·N and N ·M are subsets of M.

    The function InvariantSubNearRings computes all invariant subnearrings of the nearring nr. The function returns a list of nearrings representing the according invariant subnearrings.

        gap> n := LibraryNearRing( GTW12_4, 8 );
        LibraryNearRing(12/4, 8)
        gap> i := InvariantSubNearRings( n );
        [ ExplicitMultiplicationNearRing ( Group(()) , multiplication ),
          ExplicitMultiplicationNearRing ( Group([ (1,2)(3,4) ]) , multiplication ),
          ExplicitMultiplicationNearRing ( Group([ (2,3,4) ]) , multiplication ),
          ExplicitMultiplicationNearRing ( Group([ (1,4,3) ]) , multiplication ),
          ExplicitMultiplicationNearRing ( Group([ (1,4)(2,3), (1,3)(2,4), (2,3,4)
             ]) , multiplication ) ]

    2.17 Constructing subnearrings

  • SubNearRingBySubgroupNC( nr, S )

    For a subgroup S of the group reduct of the nearring which is closed under the multiplication of nr the function SubNearRingBySubgroupNC returns the subnearRing of nr, which is induced by this subgroup. The nr-invariance is not explicitely tested.

        gap> n := LibraryNearRing( GTW12_4, 8 );            
        LibraryNearRing(12/4, 8)
        gap> S := Subgroup( GTW12_4, [ (1,2)(3,4) ] );
        Group([ (1,2)(3,4) ])
        gap> sn := SubNearRingBySubgroupNC( n, S );
        ExplicitMultiplicationNearRing ( Group([ (1,2)(3,4) ]) , multiplication )

    2.18 Intersection of nearrings

  • Intersection( listofnrs )

    computes the intersection of the nearrings in the list listofnrs. All of the nearrings in listofnrs must be subnearrings of a common supernearring.

        gap> n := LibraryNearRingWithOne( GTW27_4, 5 );
        LibraryNearRingWithOne(27/4, 5)
        gap> si := Filtered( SubNearRings( n ), s -> Identity( n ) in s );
        [ ExplicitMultiplicationNearRing ( Group(
            [ (1,23,14)(2,13,6)(3,27,22)(4,18,9)(5,20,12)(7,16,26)(8,25,17)(10,21,
                19)(11,24,15) ]) , multiplication ),
          ExplicitMultiplicationNearRing ( Group(
            [ (1,26,27)(2,19,20)(3,14,16)(4,24,25)(5,6,21)(7,22,23)(8,9,11)(10,12,
                13)(15,17,18), (1,22,16)(2,12,21)(3,26,23)(4,17,11)(5,19,13)(6,20,
                10)(7,14,27)(8,24,18)(9,25,15) ]) , multiplication ),
          ExplicitMultiplicationNearRing ( Group(
            [ (1,17,5)(2,22,8)(3,4,12)(6,26,18)(7,11,20)(9,19,23)(10,16,25)(13,14,
                24)(15,21,27), (1,15,6)(2,7,9)(3,25,13)(4,10,14)(5,27,18)(8,20,23)(11,
                19,22)(12,16,24)(17,21,26), (1,2,4)(3,6,11)(5,9,16)(7,13,17)(8,14,
                21)(10,18,22)(12,15,23)(19,24,26)(20,25,27) ]) , multiplication ) ]
        gap> Intersection( si );
        ExplicitMultiplicationNearRing ( Group(
        [ (1,23,14)(2,13,6)(3,27,22)(4,18,9)(5,20,12)(7,16,26)(8,25,17)(10,21,19)(11,
            24,15) ]) , multiplication )
        gap> Size( last );

    2.19 Identity of a nearring

  • Identity( nr )

  • One( nr )

    The functions Identity and One return the identity of the multiplicative semigroup of the nearring nr if it exists and fail otherwise.

        gap> n := LibraryNearRing( GTW12_4, 8 );            
        LibraryNearRing(12/4, 8)
        gap> Identity( n );
        gap> One( n );
        gap> n := LibraryNearRingWithOne( GTW24_4, 8 ); 
        LibraryNearRingWithOne(24/4, 8)
        gap> Identity( n );
        gap> One( n );

  • IsNearRingWithOne( nr )

    The function IsNearRingWithOne returns true if the nearring was constructed as a nearring with one and false otherwise. To decide whether a nearring has an identity use Identity(nr)=true.

        gap> n := LibraryNearRing( GTW12_4, 8 );             
        LibraryNearRing(12/4, 8)
        gap> IsNearRingWithOne( n );
        gap> n := LibraryNearRingWithOne( GTW24_4, 8 ); 
        LibraryNearRingWithOne(24/4, 8)
        gap> Identity( n );
        gap> IsNearRingWithOne( n );

    2.20 Units of a nearring

  • IsNearRingUnit( nr, x )

    An element x of a nearring (N,+,·) with identity 1 is called a

    unit if there exists an element y in N such that x·y = y·x = 1.

    The function IsNearRingUnit returns true if x is a unit in nr and false otherwise.

  • NearRingUnits( nr )

    NearRingUnits returns the units of the nearring nr either as multiplicative group or list.

        gap> n := LibraryNearRingWithOne( GTW24_4, 8 );
        LibraryNearRingWithOne(24/4, 8)
        gap> NearRingUnits( n );    
        [ ((1,2,3,4,5,6)(7,8)), ((1,6,5,4,3,2)(7,8)) ]

    2.21 Distributivity in a nearring

  • Distributors( nr )

    An element x of a nearring (N,+,·) is called a

    distributor if x = (n1 + n2 ) ·n3 − (n1 ·n3 + n2 ·n3 ) for some elements n1, n2, n3 of N.

    The function Distributors returns a list containing the distributors of the nearring nr.

        gap> n := LibraryNearRing( GTW12_4, 8 );             
        LibraryNearRing(12/4, 8)
        gap> IsNearRingWithOne( n );
        gap> Distributors( n );
        [ (()), ((2,3,4)), ((2,4,3)), ((1,2)(3,4)), ((1,2,3)), ((1,2,4)), 
          ((1,3,2)), ((1,3,4)), ((1,3)(2,4)), ((1,4,2)), ((1,4,3)), 
          ((1,4)(2,3)) ]

  • DistributiveElements( nr )

    An element d of a left nearring (N,+,·) is called a distributive element if it is also right distributive over all elements, i.e. ∀n1, n2N: (n1 + n2d = n1·d + n2·d.

    The function DistributiveElements returns a list containing the distributive elements of the nearring nr.

        gap> n := LibraryNearRing( GTW12_4, 8 );            
        LibraryNearRing(12/4, 8)
        gap> DistributiveElements( n );
        [ (()) ]

  • IsDistributiveNearRing( nr )

    A left nearring N is called distributive nearring if its multiplication is also right distributive.

    The function IsDistributiveNearRing simply checks if all elements are distributive and returns the according boolean value true or false.

        gap> n := LibraryNearRing( GTW12_4, 8 );            
        LibraryNearRing(12/4, 8)
        gap> IsDistributiveNearRing( n );

    2.22 Elements of a nearring with special properties

  • ZeroSymmetricElements( nr )

    Let (N,+,·) be a left nearring and denote by 0 the neutral element of (N,+). An element n of N is called a zero-symmetric element if 0·n = 0.

    Remark: note that in a left nearring n·0 = 0 is true for all elements n.

    The function ZeroSymmetricElements returns a list containing the zero-symmetric elements of the nearring nr.

        gap> n := LibraryNearRing( GTW12_4, 8 );            
        LibraryNearRing(12/4, 8)
        gap> ZeroSymmetricElements( n );
        [ (()), ((2,3,4)), ((2,4,3)), ((1,2)(3,4)), ((1,2,3)), ((1,2,4)), 
          ((1,3,2)), ((1,3,4)), ((1,3)(2,4)), ((1,4,2)), ((1,4,3)), 
          ((1,4)(2,3)) ]

  • IdempotentElements( nr )

    The function IdempotentElements returns a list containing the idempotent elements of the multiplicative semigroup of the nearring nr.

        gap> n := LibraryNearRing( GTW12_4, 8 );            
        LibraryNearRing(12/4, 8)
        gap> IdempotentElements( n );
        [ (()), ((1,4)(2,3)) ]

  • NilpotentElements( nr )

    Let (N,+,·) be a nearring with zero 0. An element n of N is called nilpotent if there is a positive integer k such that nk = 0.

    The function NilpotentElements returns a list of sublists of length 2 where the first entry is a nilpotent element n and the second entry is the smallest k such that nk = 0.

        gap> n := LibraryNearRing( GTW12_4, 8 );            
        LibraryNearRing(12/4, 8)
        gap> NilpotentElements( n );
        [ [ (()), 1 ], [ ((2,3,4)), 2 ], [ ((2,4,3)), 2 ], 
          [ ((1,2)(3,4)), 2 ], [ ((1,2,3)), 2 ], [ ((1,2,4)), 2 ], 
          [ ((1,3,2)), 2 ], [ ((1,3,4)), 2 ], [ ((1,4,2)), 2 ], 
          [ ((1,4,3)), 2 ] ]

  • QuasiregularElements( nr )

    Let (N,+,·) be a left nearring. For an element zN, denote the right ideal generated by the set {nz·n | nN} by Lz. An element z of N is called quasiregular if zLz.

    The function QuasiregularElements returns a list of all quasiregular elements of a nearring nr.

        gap> n := LibraryNearRing( GTW12_4, 8 );            
        LibraryNearRing(12/4, 8)
        gap> QuasiregularElements( n );
        [ (()), ((2,3,4)), ((2,4,3)), ((1,2)(3,4)), ((1,2,3)), ((1,2,4)), 
          ((1,3,2)), ((1,3,4)), ((1,3)(2,4)), ((1,4,2)), ((1,4,3)) ]

  • RegularElements( nr )

    Let (N,+,·) be a nearring. An element n of N is called regular if there is an element x such that n·x·n = n.

    The function RegularElements returns a list of all regular elements of a nearring nr.

        gap> n := LibraryNearRing( GTW12_4, 8 );            
        LibraryNearRing(12/4, 8)
        gap> RegularElements( n );
        [ (()), ((1,3)(2,4)), ((1,4)(2,3)) ]

    2.23 Special properties of a nearring

  • IsAbelianNearRing( nr )

    A nearring is called abelian if its group reduct is abelian.

    The function IsAbelianNearRing returns the according boolean value true or false.

        gap> n := LibraryNearRing( GTW12_4, 8 );            
        LibraryNearRing(12/4, 8)
        gap> IsAbelianNearRing( n );

  • IsAbstractAffineNearRing( nr )

    A left nearring N is called abstract affine if its group reduct is abelian and its zero-symmetric elements are exactly its distributive elements.

    The function IsAbstractAffineNearRing returns the according boolean value true or false.

        gap> n := LibraryNearRing( GTW12_4, 8 );            
        LibraryNearRing(12/4, 8)
        gap> IsAbstractAffineNearRing( n );

  • IsBooleanNearRing( nr )

    A left nearring N is called boolean if all its elements are idempotent with respect to multiplication.

    The function IsBooleanNearRing simply checks if all elements are idempotent and returns the according boolean value true or false.

        gap> n := LibraryNearRing( GTW12_4, 8 );            
        LibraryNearRing(12/4, 8)
        gap> IsBooleanNearRing( n );

  • IsNilNearRing( nr )

    A nearring N is called nil if all its elements are nilpotent.

    The function IsNilNearRing checks if all elements are nilpotent and returns the according boolean value true or false.

        gap> n := LibraryNearRing( GTW12_4, 8 );            
        LibraryNearRing(12/4, 8)
        gap> IsNilNearRing( n );

  • IsNilpotentNearRing( nr )

    A nearring N is called nilpotent if there is a positive integer k, s.t. Nk = {0}.

    The function IsNilpotentNearRing tests if the nearring nr is nilpotent and returns the according boolean value true or false.

        gap> n := LibraryNearRing( GTW12_4, 8 );            
        LibraryNearRing(12/4, 8)
        gap> IsNilpotentNearRing( n );

  • IsNilpotentFreeNearRing( nr )

    A nearring N is called nilpotent free if its only nilpotent element is 0.

    The function IsNilpotentFreeNearRing checks if 0 is the only nilpotent and returns the according boolean value true or false.

        gap> n := LibraryNearRing( GTW12_4, 8 );            
        LibraryNearRing(12/4, 8)
        gap> IsNilpotentFreeNearRing( n );

  • IsCommutative( nr )

    A nearring (N,+,·) is called commutative if its multiplicative semigroup is commutative.

    The function IsCommutative returns the according value true or false.

        gap> n := LibraryNearRing( GTW12_4, 8 );            
        LibraryNearRing(12/4, 8)
        gap> IsCommutative( n );

  • IsDgNearRing( nr )

    A nearring (N,+,·) is called distributively generated (d.g.) if (N,+) is generated additively by the distributive elements of the nearring.

    The function IsDgNearRing returns the according value true or false for a nearring nr.

        gap> n := LibraryNearRing( GTW12_4, 8 );            
        LibraryNearRing(12/4, 8)
        gap> IsDgNearRing( n );

  • IsIntegralNearRing( nr )

    A nearring (N,+,·) with zero element 0 is called integral if it has no zero divisors, i.e. the condition ∀n1,n2n1 ·n2 = 0 ⇒ n1 = 0 ∨n2 = 0 holds.

    The function IsIntegralNearRing returns the according value true or false for a nearring nr.

        gap> n := LibraryNearRing( GTW12_4, 8 );            
        LibraryNearRing(12/4, 8)
        gap> IsIntegralNearRing( n );

  • IsPrimeNearRing( nr )

    A nearring (N,+,·) with zero element 0 is called prime if the ideal { 0 } is a prime ideal.

    The function IsPrimeNearRing checks if nr is a prime nearring by using the condition for all non-zero ideals I,JI ·J ≠ { 0 } and returns the according value true or false.

        gap> n := LibraryNearRing( GTW12_4, 8 );            
        LibraryNearRing(12/4, 8)
        gap> IsPrimeNearRing( n );

  • IsQuasiregularNearRing( nr )

    A nearring N is called quasiregular if all its elements are quasiregular.

    The function IsQuasiregularNearRing simply checks if all elements of the nearring nr are quasiregular and returns the according boolean value true or false.

        gap> n := LibraryNearRing( GTW12_4, 8 );            
        LibraryNearRing(12/4, 8)
        gap> IsQuasiregularNearRing( n );

  • IsRegularNearRing( nr )

    A nearring N is called regular if all its elements are regular.

    The function IsRegularNearRing simply checks if all elements of the nearring nr are regular and returns the according boolean value true or false.

        gap> n := LibraryNearRing( GTW12_4, 8 );            
        LibraryNearRing(12/4, 8)
        gap> IsRegularNearRing( n );

  • IsNearField( nr )

    Let (N,+,·) be a nearring with zero 0 and denote by N* the set N − {0}. N is a nearfield if (N,+,·) has an identity and (N*,·) is a group.

    The function IsNearField tests if nr has an identity and if every non-zero element has a multiplicative inverse and returns the according value true or false.

         gap> n := LibraryNearRing( GTW12_4, 8 );
         LibraryNearRing(12/4, 8)
         gap> IsNearField( n );                        

  • IsPlanarNearRing( nr )

    Let (N,+,·) be a left nearring. For a,bN we define ab iff a·n = b·n for all nN. If ab, then a and b are called equivalent multipliers. A nearring N is called planar if | N/ | ≥ 3 and if for any two non-equivalent multipliers a and b in N, for any cN, the equation a·x = b·x + c has a unique solution.

    The function IsPlanarNearRing returns the according value true or false for a nearring nr.

         gap> n := LibraryNearRing( GTW9_2, 90 );
         LibraryNearRing(9/2, 90)
         gap> IsPlanarNearRing( n );     

  • IsWdNearRing( nr )

    A left nearring (N,+,·) is called weakly divisible if ∀a,bNxN : a·x=b or b·x=a.

    The function IsWdNearRing returns the according value true or false for the nearring nr.

         gap> nr := LibraryNearRing( GTW9_1, 185 );
         LibraryNearRing(9/1, 185)
         gap> IsWdNearRing( nr );

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    SONATA manual
    December 2022