A large part of IMG consists of code that manipulates rational maps and complex coordinates on spheres.
Points on the sphere are represented by complex numbers, possibly infinity. These complex numbers are encapsulated in P1Point
(4.1-1) objects. DeclareCategory("IsP1Point",IsObject); DeclareCategoryCollections("IsP1Point"); DeclareCategoryCollections("IsP1PointCollection"); DeclareSynonym("IsP1PointList",IsP1PointCollection and IsList); DeclareCategory("IsIEEE754P1Point",IsP1Point); BindGlobal("P1PointsFamily",NewFamily("P1PointsFamily",IsP1Point)); BindGlobal("TYPE_P1POINT",NewType(P1PointsFamily,IsP1Point and IsPositionalObjectRep)); BindGlobal("TYPE_IEEE754P1POINT",NewType(P1PointsFamily,IsIEEE754P1Point and IsDataObjectRep)); DeclareOperation("P1Point",[IsFloat]); DeclareOperation("P1Point",[IsRat]); DeclareOperation("P1Point",[IsInfinity]); DeclareOperation("P1Point",[IsFloat,IsFloat]); DeclareOperation("P1Point",[IsString]); DeclareOperation("P1Point",[IsString,IsString]);
‣ IsP1Point | ( filter ) |
‣ P1PointsFamily | ( family ) |
‣ P1Point ( complex ) | ( function ) |
‣ P1Point ( real, imag ) | ( function ) |
‣ P1Point ( string ) | ( function ) |
‣ P1Point ( realstr, imagstr ) | ( function ) |
P1 points are complex numbers or infinity; fast methods are implemented to compute with them, and to apply rational maps to them.
The first filter recognizes these objects. Next, the family they belong to. The next methods create a new P1 point.
‣ P1Coordinate ( p ) | ( function ) |
Returns: The complex number represented by p.
DeclareOperation("CleanedP1Point",[IsP1Point,IsFloat]); DeclareOperation("CleanedP1Point",[IsP1Point]);
‣ CleanedP1Point ( p[, prec] ) | ( function ) |
Returns: p, rounded towards 0/1/infinity/reals at precision prec.
DeclareGlobalVariable("P1infinity"); DeclareOperation("P1INFINITY@",[IsP1Point]); DeclareGlobalVariable("P1one"); DeclareGlobalVariable("P1zero");
‣ P1infinity | ( global variable ) |
‣ P1one | ( global variable ) |
‣ P1zero | ( global variable ) |
The south, north and 'east' poles of the Riemann sphere.
‣ P1Antipode ( p ) | ( function ) |
Returns: The antipode of p on the Riemann sphere.
DeclareOperation("P1Barycentre",[IsP1PointList]); DeclareOperation("P1Barycentre",[IsP1Point]); DeclareOperation("P1Barycentre",[IsP1Point,IsP1Point]); DeclareOperation("P1Barycentre",[IsP1Point,IsP1Point,IsP1Point]);
‣ P1Barycentre ( points, ... ) | ( function ) |
Returns: The barycentre of its arguments (which can also be a list of P1 points).
‣ P1Circumcentre ( p, q, r ) | ( function ) |
Returns: The centre of the smallest disk containing p,q,r.
‣ P1Distance ( p, q ) | ( function ) |
Returns: The spherical distance from p to q.
‣ P1Midpoint ( p, q ) | ( function ) |
Returns: The point between p to q (undefined if they are antipodes of each other).
‣ P1Sphere ( v ) | ( function ) |
Returns: The P1 point corresponding to v in R^3.
‣ SphereP1 ( p ) | ( function ) |
Returns: The coordinates in R^3 of p.
‣ SphereP1Y ( p ) | ( function ) |
Returns: The Y coordinate in R^3 of p.
DeclareOperation("P1XRatio",[IsP1Point,IsP1Point,IsP1Point,IsP1Point]); DeclareOperation("XRatio",[IsP1Point,IsP1Point,IsP1Point,IsP1Point]);
‣ P1XRatio ( p, q, r, s ) | ( function ) |
‣ XRatio ( p, q, r, s ) | ( function ) |
Returns: The cross ratio of p, q, r, s.
The cross ratio of four points p,q,r,s is defined as (p-r)(q-s)/(p-s)(q-r)
. The values P1zero,P1one,P1infinity
correspond respectively to the special cases (p=r or q=s)
, (p=q or r=s)
, (p=s or q=r)
In the first form, the result is a P1 point. In the second form, it is a complex number.
DeclareOperation("CollectedP1Points",[IsP1PointList]); DeclareOperation("CollectedP1Points",[IsP1PointList,IsFloat]);
‣ CollectedP1Points ( p1points[, precision] ) | ( operation ) |
Returns: A list of pairs [point,multiplicity]
Collects the points in p1points; points at distance at most precision are considered equal, and the barycentre of the clustered points is returned.
If the argument precision is not supplied, @IMG.p1eps
is taken.
DeclareOperation("MatchP1Points",[IsP1PointList,IsP1PointCollColl,IsFloat]); DeclareOperation("MatchP1Points",[IsP1PointList,IsP1PointCollColl]);
‣ MatchP1Points ( p1pointsA, p1pointsB[, separation] ) | ( operation ) |
Returns: A list of giving closest point in p1pointsB to points in p1pointsA, or fail
Finds for each point p1pointsA[i] the closest point p1pointB[p[i]]. If the next-closest is at least separation further away for all i
, then the list p
is returned. Otherwise, fail
is returned.
If the argument separation is not supplied, 2
is taken.
‣ ClosestP1Point ( p1points, p1point ) | ( operation ) |
Returns: The point in p1points closest to p1point.
DeclareSynonym("IsP1Map",HasIsUnivariateRationalFunction and IsUnivariateRationalFunction and IsFloatRationalFunction); DeclareCategory("IsIEEE754P1Map",IsP1Map); BindGlobal("TYPE_IEEE754P1MAP", NewType(RationalFunctionsFamily(PMCOMPLEX_PSEUDOFIELD), IsIEEE754P1Map and IsDataObjectRep));
‣ IsP1Map | ( filter ) |
P1 maps are stored more efficiently than rational functions, but are otherwise equivalent.
DeclareOperation("MoebiusMap",[IsP1Point]); DeclareOperation("MoebiusMap",[IsP1Point,IsP1Point]); DeclareOperation("MoebiusMap",[IsP1Point,IsP1Point,IsP1Point]); DeclareOperation("MoebiusMap",[IsP1Point,IsP1Point,IsP1Point,IsP1Point,IsP1Point,IsP1Point]); DeclareOperation("MoebiusMap",[IsP1PointList]); DeclareOperation("MoebiusMap",[IsP1PointList,IsP1PointList]);
‣ MoebiusMap ( [sourcelist, ]destlist ) | ( function ) |
‣ MoebiusMap ( p, q, r, s, t, u ) | ( function ) |
‣ MoebiusMap ( p, q, r ) | ( function ) |
‣ MoebiusMap ( p, q ) | ( function ) |
‣ MoebiusMap ( p ) | ( function ) |
Returns: A new Möbius transformation.
In the first case, this is the Möbius transformation sending p,q,r to P,Q,R respectively; in the second case, the map sending 0,1,P1infinity
to p,q,r respectively; in the third case, the map sending 0,P1infinity
to p,q respectively, and of the form (z-p)/(z-q); and in the fourth case, a rotation sending P1infinity to p.
DeclareOperation("P1ROTATION@",[IsP1Point,IsP1PointList,IsP1PointList]); DeclareGlobalFunction("P1MapRotatingP1Points");
‣ P1MapRotatingP1Points ( points[, oldpoints] ) | ( operation ) |
Returns: A Möbius rotation sending the last of points to P1infinity.
A Möbius rotation is computed that sends the last of points to P1infinity
and, assuming the last point in oldpoints is also P1infinity
, matches the points in points and oldpoints as closely as possible.
DeclareOperation("P1MapNormalizingP1Points",[IsP1PointList]); DeclareOperation("P1MapNormalizingP1Points",[IsP1PointList,IsP1PointList]);
‣ P1MapNormalizingP1Points ( points[, oldpoints] ) | ( operation ) |
Returns: A Möbius transformation sending the last of points to P1infinity.
A Möbius transformation is computed that sends the last of points to P1infinity
and makes the barycentre of the points in R^3 as close as possible to the origin. If a list oldpoints is also given, the Möbius transformation computed rotates about infinity so as to match the points in points and oldpoints as closely as possible; this then determines the transformation uniquely.
‣ P1z | ( global variable ) |
The identity Möbius transformation.
‣ P1Monomial ( n ) | ( function ) |
Returns: The rational function z^n.
DeclareOperation("CleanedP1Map",[IsP1Map,IsFloat]); DeclareOperation("CleanedP1Map",[IsP1Map]);
‣ CleanedP1Map ( map[, prec] ) | ( operation ) |
Returns: map, with coefficients rounded using prec.
‣ CompositionP1Map ( map1, ... ) | ( operation ) |
Returns: The composition of the maps passed as arguments, in the functional (map1 last) order.
‣ InverseP1Map ( map ) | ( operation ) |
Returns: The functional inverse of the Möbius transformation map.
DeclareAttribute("ComplexConjugate",IsP1Map); # already there for numerical objects
‣ ComplexConjugate ( map ) | ( operation ) |
Returns: The complex conjugated map.
‣ ConjugatedP1Map ( map, mobius ) | ( operation ) |
Returns: The map CompositionP1Map(InverseP1Map(mobius),map,mobius)
‣ CoefficientsOfP1Map ( map ) | ( operation ) |
Returns: Coefficients of numerator and denominator of map, lowest degree first.
DeclareGlobalFunction("P1MapByCoefficients"); DeclareOperation("P1MAPBYCOEFFICIENTS2@",[IsObject,IsList,IsList]);
‣ P1MapByCoefficients ( numer, denom ) | ( operation ) |
Returns: The P1 map with numerator coefficients numer and denominator denom, lowest degree first.
DeclareAttribute("NumeratorP1Map",IsP1Map); DeclareAttribute("DenominatorP1Map",IsP1Map);
‣ NumeratorP1Map ( map ) | ( attribute ) |
‣ DenominatorP1Map ( map ) | ( attribute ) |
Returns: The numerator/denominator of map.
‣ P1MapByZerosPoles ( zeros, poles, src, dest ) | ( operation ) |
Returns: The P1 map with specified zeros and poles, and sending src to dest.
‣ P1Path ( p, q ) | ( operation ) |
Returns: The P1 map sending 0
to p and 1
to q.
‣ DegreeOfP1Map ( map ) | ( operation ) |
Returns: The degree of map.
DeclareSynonym("P1Image",ImageElm); DeclareOperation("ImageElm",[IsP1Map,IsP1Point]);
‣ P1Image ( map, p1point ) | ( operation ) |
Returns: The image of p1point under map.
DeclareSynonym("P1PreImage",PreImageElm); DeclareOperation("PreImageElm",[IsP1Map,IsP1Point]);
‣ P1PreImage ( map, p1point ) | ( operation ) |
Returns: The preimage of p1point under map.
DeclareSynonym("P1PreImages",PreImagesElm); DeclareOperation("PreImagesElm",[IsP1Map,IsP1Point]);
‣ P1PreImages ( map, p1point ) | ( operation ) |
Returns: The preimages of p1point under map.
DeclareAttribute("Primitive",IsP1Map); DeclareAttribute("Derivative",IsP1Map);
‣ Primitive ( map ) | ( operation ) |
‣ Derivative ( map ) | ( operation ) |
Returns: The [anti]derivative of the rational map map.
‣ P1MapScaling ( map, p1point ) | ( operation ) |
Returns: The scaling factor from point to map(point).
‣ CriticalPointsOfP1Map ( map ) | ( attribute ) |
Returns: The critical points of map.
‣ AsP1Map ( rat ) | ( operation ) |
Returns: The P1 map given by the rational function rat.
‣ P1MapSL2 ( mat ) | ( operation ) |
Returns: The Möbius P1 map given by the 2x2 matrix mat.
‣ SL2P1Map ( map ) | ( operation ) |
Returns: The matrix of the Möbius P1 map map.
‣ SetP1Points ( record[, prec] ) | ( function ) |
Installs a default implementation for P1 points. Fundamentally, a P1 point is a complex number or infinity, with a few extra methods. The argument record is the record describing the floating-point implementation.
Currently, one implementation (the default) is based on pairs of IEEE754 floateans. It is fast, but is limited to 53 bits of precision. It is loaded via SetP1Points(PMCOMPLEX);
Another implementation, in case the package Float is available, is based on MPC complex numbers. It offers unlimited precision, but is much slower. It is loaded via SetP1Points(MPC);
or SetP1Points(MPC,prec);
The next objects are finite triangulations of the sphere. They are represented by lists of points, edges and faces, and all adjacency relations between them. Each point, edge and face has a P1Point
(4.1-1) as position, and furthermore edges come with a parametrization γ([0,1]) for a Möbius transformation γ. DeclareCategory("IsSphereTriangulation", IsObject); BindGlobal("TRIANGULATION_FAMILY", NewFamily("SphereTriangulations", IsSphereTriangulation)); BindGlobal("TYPE_TRIANGULATION", NewType(TRIANGULATION_FAMILY, IsSphereTriangulation)); DeclareRepresentation("IsTriangulationObjectRep", IsComponentObjectRep and IsAttributeStoringRep,[]); DeclareCategory("IsTriangulationObject",IsTriangulationObjectRep); DeclareCategory("IsTriangulationVertex",IsTriangulationObject); DeclareCategory("IsTriangulationEdge",IsTriangulationObject); DeclareCategory("IsTriangulationFace",IsTriangulationObject); BindGlobal("TRIANGULATIONOBJECT_FAMILY", NewFamily("TriangulationFamily",IsTriangulationObject,CanEasilySortElements,CanEasilySortElements)); BindGlobal("TYPE_VERTEX", NewType(TRIANGULATIONOBJECT_FAMILY,IsTriangulationVertex)); BindGlobal("TYPE_EDGE", NewType(TRIANGULATIONOBJECT_FAMILY,IsTriangulationEdge)); BindGlobal("TYPE_FACE", NewType(TRIANGULATIONOBJECT_FAMILY,IsTriangulationFace)); DeclareAttribute("Neighbour", IsTriangulationVertex); DeclareOperation("Neighbours", [IsTriangulationVertex]); DeclareOperation("Neighbours", [IsTriangulationVertex,IsTriangulationEdge]); DeclareOperation("Valency", [IsTriangulationVertex]); DeclareAttribute("Pos", IsTriangulationVertex); DeclareOperation("ClosestFace", [IsTriangulationObject]); DeclareOperation("ClosestFaces", [IsTriangulationObject]); DeclareOperation("ClosestVertex", [IsTriangulationObject]); DeclareOperation("ClosestVertices", [IsTriangulationObject]); DeclareProperty("IsFake", IsTriangulationVertex); DeclareAttribute("Left", IsTriangulationEdge); DeclareAttribute("Right", IsTriangulationEdge); DeclareAttribute("To", IsTriangulationEdge); DeclareAttribute("From", IsTriangulationEdge); DeclareAttribute("NextEdge", IsTriangulationEdge); DeclareOperation("Next", [IsTriangulationEdge]); DeclareAttribute("Prevopp", IsTriangulationEdge); DeclareAttribute("Opposite", IsTriangulationEdge); DeclareAttribute("Pos", IsTriangulationEdge); DeclareAttribute("FromPos", IsTriangulationEdge); DeclareAttribute("ToPos", IsTriangulationEdge); DeclareAttribute("Length", IsTriangulationEdge); DeclareAttribute("Map", IsTriangulationEdge); DeclareAttribute("GroupElement", IsTriangulationEdge, "mutable"); DeclareAttribute("Neighbour", IsTriangulationFace); DeclareOperation("Neighbours", [IsTriangulationFace]); DeclareOperation("Neighbours", [IsTriangulationFace,IsTriangulationEdge]); DeclareAttribute("Pos", IsTriangulationFace); DeclareAttribute("Radius", IsTriangulationFace); DeclareAttribute("Centre", IsTriangulationFace); DeclareOperation("Valency", [IsTriangulationFace]); DeclareOperation("Draw", [IsSphereTriangulation]);
‣ IsSphereTriangulation | ( filter ) |
The category of triangulated spheres (points in Moduli space).
This triangulation is a collection of vertices, edges and faces. These are new GAP objects. The attributes for vertices are:
any edge starting at the vertex
a list of neighbours, in counterclockwise order (an optional adugument lets one specify the starting edge)
the number of neighbours
The P1 point where the vertex is located
The vertex itself
A list containing the vertex itself
The face left of the first neighbour
The faces that contain the vertex
whether the vertex was added for refinement
The edges come in opposite pairs, and are thought of as having a face on their left. Their possible attributes are:
, Right
The adjacent faces
, From
The vertices that the edge goes to/from
The edge after on the left face (starting where the present edge ends)
The opposite of the edge before on the left face (starting where the present edge starts)
The opposite edge (with reversed orientation)
The position of the midpoint. FromPos
and ToPos
are shortcuts
A P1 map sending [0,1] to the edge
A group element describing "crossing through the edge from the left to the right"
The from vertex
The two endpoints
The left neighbour
The two adjacent faces
The faces have the following possible attributes:
Some edge with this face on its left
The neighbours of the face, in counterclockwise order around the face (an optional argument lets one specify the starting edge)
The position of the face's barycentre
, Centre
The circumradius and circumcentre of the face (assumed to be a triangle)
The number of neighbouring edges
The from of the first neighbour
The vertices that the face contains
The face itself
A list containing the face itself
A triangulation may be plotted with Draw
; this requires appletviewer to be installed. The command Draw(t:detach)
detaches the subprocess after it is started. The extra arguments Draw(t:lower)
or Draw(t:upper)
stretch the triangulation to the lower, respectively upper, hemisphere.
DeclareOperation("EdgePath", [IsSphereTriangulation,IsTriangulationFace,IsTriangulationFace]);
‣ EdgePath ( t, f0, f1 ) | ( operation ) |
Returns: A sequence of edges taking f0 to f1.
DeclareOperation("DelaunayTriangulation", [IsList]); DeclareOperation("DelaunayTriangulation", [IsList, IsFloat]);
‣ DelaunayTriangulation ( points[, quality] ) | ( operation ) |
Returns: A Delaunay triangulation of the sphere.
If points is a list of points on the unit sphere, represented by their 3D coordinates, this function creates a triangulation of the sphere with these points as vertices. This triangulation satisfies the Delaunay condition that no point lies in the circumcircle of any face.
If all points are aligned on a great circle, or if all points are in a hemisphere, some points are added so as to make the triangulation simplicial with all edges of length <π. These vertices additionally have the IsFake
property set to true
If the second argument quality, which must be a floatean, is present, then all triangles in the resulting triangulation are guaranteed to have circumcircle ratio / minimal edge length at most quality. Of course, additional vertices may need to be added to ensure that.
gap> octagon := Concatenation(IdentityMat(3),-IdentityMat(3))*1.0;; gap> dt := DelaunayTriangulation(octagon); <triangulation with 6 vertices, 24 edges and 8 faces> gap> dt!.v; [ <vertex 1>, <vertex 2>, <vertex 3>, <vertex 4>, <vertex 5>, <vertex 6> ] gap> last[1].n; [ <edge 17>, <edge 1>, <edge 2>, <edge 11> ] gap> last[1].from; <vertex 1>
DeclareOperation("AddToTriangulation", [IsSphereTriangulation,IsP1Point]); DeclareOperation("AddToTriangulation", [IsSphereTriangulation,IsP1Point,IsBool]); DeclareOperation("AddToTriangulation", [IsSphereTriangulation,IsTriangulationFace,IsP1Point]); DeclareOperation("AddToTriangulation", [IsSphereTriangulation,IsTriangulationFace,IsP1Point,IsBool]);
‣ AddToTriangulation ( t[, seed], point[, delaunay] ) | ( operation ) |
This command adds the P1 point point to the triangulation t. If a face seed is provided, it will speed up the search for the triangle in which the point is to be added. The other optional boolean argument delaunay specifies whether the Delaunay condition is to be fulfilled (by flipping diagonals of some quadrilaterals made of two neighbouring triangles) after the addition.
DeclareOperation("RemoveFromTriangulation", [IsSphereTriangulation,IsTriangulationVertex]);
‣ RemoveFromTriangulation ( t, vertex ) | ( operation ) |
This command removes the vertex vertex from the triangulation t.
DeclareOperation("LocateFaceInTriangulation", [IsSphereTriangulation,IsP1Point]); DeclareOperation("LocateFaceInTriangulation", [IsSphereTriangulation,IsObject,IsP1Point]); DeclareOperation("LocateInTriangulation", [IsSphereTriangulation,IsP1Point]); DeclareOperation("LocateInTriangulation", [IsSphereTriangulation,IsObject,IsP1Point]);
‣ LocateFaceInTriangulation ( t[, seed], point ) | ( operation ) |
‣ LocateInTriangulation ( t[, seed], point ) | ( operation ) |
Returns: The face(t) in t containing point.
This command locates the face in t that contains point; in the second form, if point lies on an edge or a vertex, it returns that edge or vertex.
The optional second argument specifies a starting vertex, edge, face, or vertex index from which to start the search. Its only effect is to speed up the algorithm.
gap> cube := Tuples([-1,1],3)/Sqrt(3.0);; gap> dt := DelaunayTriangulation(cube); <triangulation with 8 vertices, 36 edges and 12 faces> gap> LocateInTriangulation(dt,dt!.v[1].pos); <vertex 1> gap> LocateInTriangulation(dt,[3/5,0,4/5]*1.0); <face 9>
DeclareOperation("WiggledTriangulation", [IsSphereTriangulation,IsObject]);
‣ WiggledTriangulation ( t, moebiusmap ) | ( operation ) |
‣ WiggledTriangulation ( t, newpoints ) | ( operation ) |
Returns: A new triangulation, with moved vertices.
This command creates a new triangulation, in which only the P1 coordinates are changed. If the second argument moebiusmap is a Möbius transformation, then it is applied to the vertices and barycentres of faces and edges. If the second argument newpoints is a list of P1 points, then they are taken as new coordinates of the vertices.
‣ EquidistributedP1Points ( N ) | ( function ) |
Returns: A list of N P1 points that are reasonably well spaced.
Marked spheres should be thought of as punctured complex spheres, with a explicit identification of a sphere group with their fundamental group. They model points in Teichmüller space.
Marked spheres are given by a triangulation and a sphere group whose generators are in bijection with the triangulation's vertices. Internally, the marked sphere keeps track of a group element at each edge, stored as GroupElement(e)
. This is the group element by which one should multiply as the edge is crossed transversally. In particular, the product of the edges going out of vertex v is conjugate to generator number v.
Given a marked sphere and a rational map (given by coefficients), a procedure computes the "lifted marked sphere" and a wreath recursion between their respective groups, i.e. a homomorphism G_0 -> G_1 ≀ Sym(d). The procedure will probably fail unless the critical values are close to the feet. There, the algorithm is already subtle: edges of the dual graph are represented by arcs of great circles.
One first computes the full preimage of the feet, and a triangulation spanning them on a sphere "above" the original marked sphere. Then, for each edge of the "down" dual graph, its preimage on the "up" sphere is an algebraic curve. One computes its intersections with all edges of the "up" dual graph, by finding zeroes of real polynomials, to determine from which triangle to which one the lifted edges go.
Because of rounding errors, one has to be careful as to when a real polynomial is supposed to have a zero, or when a point is supposed to be in a triangle. E.g., if T is a triangle and its sides are given by arcs of great circles, represented as γ_i([0,1]) for Möbius maps γ_i, i=1,2,3, then the test ℑ(γ_i(z))>0 ∀ i determines whether z is in the triangle. This test is really coded as ℑ(γ_i(z)) / (1+|γ_i(z)|^2) > -@IMG.p1eps to take care of rounding errors. DeclareCategory("IsMarkedSphere", IsObject); BindGlobal("MARKEDSPHERES_FAMILY", NewFamily("MarkedSpheres", IsMarkedSphere)); BindGlobal("TYPE_MARKEDSPHERE", NewType(MARKEDSPHERES_FAMILY, IsMarkedSphere)); DeclareAttribute("MarkedSphere", IsSphereMachine); DeclareAttribute("MarkedSphere", IsP1Map); undocumented for now DeclareAttribute("VerticesOfMarkedSphere", IsMarkedSphere); DeclareAttribute("SpanningTreeBoundary", IsMarkedSphere);
‣ IsMarkedSphere | ( filter ) |
The category of marked, triangulated spheres (points in Teichmüller space).
DeclareOperation("NewMarkedSphere", [IsP1PointCollection,IsSphereGroup]); DeclareOperation("NewMarkedSphere", [IsP1PointCollection]);
‣ NewMarkedSphere ( points[, group] ) | ( operation ) |
Returns: A new marked sphere on points points.
This function creates a new marked sphere, based on the Delaunay triangulation on points. If a sphere group group is specified, it is used to mark the sphere; otherwise a new sphere group is created.
DeclareOperation("Draw", [IsMarkedSphere]);
‣ Draw ( s ) | ( operation ) |
This command plots the marked sphere s in a separate window. It displays the complex sphere, big dots at the post-critical set (feet of the spider), and the arcs and dual arcs of the triangulation connecting the feet.
If the option julia:=<gridsize>
(if no grid size is specified, it is 500 by default), then the Julia set of the map associated with the spider is also displayed. Points attracted to attracting cycles are coloured in pastel tones, and unattracted points are coloured black.
If the option noarcs
is specified, the printing of the arcs and dual arcs is disabled.
The options upper
, lower
and detach
also apply.
DeclareOperation("WiggledMarkedSphere", [IsMarkedSphere,IsObject]);
‣ WiggledMarkedSphere ( sphere, m ) | ( operation ) |
Returns: A new marked sphere.
This operation moves the vertices of the marked sphere sphere, preserving its marking. The argument m, which specifies a movement of the vertices, is either a Möbius transformation (to be applied to all vertices) or a list of new positions for them.
DeclareOperation("SphereMachineOfBranchedCovering", [IsMarkedSphere,IsMarkedSphere,IsP1Map,IsBool]); DeclareOperation("SphereMachineOfBranchedCovering", [IsMarkedSphere,IsMarkedSphere,IsP1Map]); DeclareOperation("SphereMachineAndSphereOfBranchedCovering", [IsMarkedSphere,IsP1Map,IsBool]); DeclareOperation("SphereMachineAndSphereOfBranchedCovering", [IsMarkedSphere,IsP1Map]);
‣ SphereMachineOfBranchedCovering ( down, up, map[, poly] ) | ( operation ) |
‣ SphereMachineAndSphereOfBranchedCovering ( down, map[, poly] ) | ( operation ) |
Returns: A sphere machine or [machine,marked sphere].
The first function computes, out of a marked sphere down in the range of the P1 map map and a marked sphere up in its domain, the sphere machine representing the monodromy action of the map. Its input stateset is the model group of down, while its output stateset is the model group of up.
The second function first computes a marked sphere on the full preimage by map of the vertices of down, then computes the sphere machine, and finally returns a list containing the machine and the sphere at the source of map.
The optional parameter poly specifies that the map map is to be treated as a polynomial, and that the machine is to be normalized so that its last generator is an adding machine in standard form.
DeclareOperation("MonodromyOfP1Map", [IsMarkedSphere,IsP1Map]); DeclareOperation("MonodromyOfP1Map", [IsP1PointCollection,IsP1Map]); DeclareOperation("MonodromyOfP1Map", [IsP1Map]);
‣ MonodromyOfP1Map ( [marking, ]map ) | ( operation ) |
Returns: The monodromy action of map.
This function computes the monodromy of the P1 map map; this is simply the activity of the sphere machine associated with the map.
The optional first argument marking may be a marked sphere, in which case the monodromy is returned as a homomorphism from the marked sphere's marking. It may also be a list of P1 points, in which case the monodromy is returned as a list of permutations, one per point. If the first argument is missing, it is assumed to be the list of critical values of map.
DeclareAttribute("SphereMachine", IsP1Map);
‣ SphereMachine ( f ) | ( operation ) |
Returns: A sphere machine.
This function computes a triangulation of the sphere, on the post-critical set of f, and lifts it through the map f. the action of the fundamental group of the punctured sphere is then read into an sphere machine m
, which is returned.
This machine has a preset attribute MarkedSphere(m)
An approximation of the Julia set of f can be computed, and plotted on the spider, with the form SphereMachine(f:julia)
or SphereMachine(f:julia:=gridsize)
gap> SphereMachine(P1z^2-1); <FR machine with alphabet [ 1, 2 ] on Group( [ f1, f2, f3 ] )/[ f2*f1*f3 ]> gap> Display(last); G | 1 2 ----+---------------+--------+ f1 | f2,2 <id>,1 f2 | f3^-1*f1*f3,1 <id>,2 f3 | <id>,2 f3,1 ----+---------------+--------+ Relator: f2*f1*f3
DeclareOperation("DistanceMarkedSpheres", [IsMarkedSphere, IsMarkedSphere]); DeclareOperation("DistanceMarkedSpheres", [IsMarkedSphere, IsMarkedSphere, IsBool]);
‣ DistanceMarkedSpheres ( sphere1, sphere2[, fast] ) | ( operation ) |
Returns: The approximate distance between the marked spheres.
This function approximates coarsely the Teichmüller distance between marked spheres with same model group. If the vertices of sphere1 can be wiggled to the vertices of sphere2 in such a manner that the markings coincide, then the distance is the sum of the movements of the vertices. Otherwise, it is 1+ the sum of the lengths of the images of a sphere group automorphism that carries the marking of sphere1 to that of sphere2.
Given a marked sphere and a permutation representation of its group, a procedure computes a rational map with that monodromy. If the representation has degree 2, or is bicritical, or a few other cases easily coded by hand, then the rational map is computed algebraically.
Otherwise, the "hard" part of the algorithm comes into play. A fresh marked sphere is constructed with only the feet with non-trivial permutation. The triangulation is then combinatorially lifted, using the permutation representation. In particular, the feet are now labeled by cycles of the permutations. It is a purely combinatorial triangulation, at this point; but one remembers that its edges have a length inherited from the sphere metric. The triangulation is then refined by repeatedly adding circumcentres of triangles, till every edge (say from v to w) has length le @IMG.hurwitzmesh ^ Maximum(cycle length at v, cycle length at w).
Now an external C program, "layout", is called. It seeks a discrete conformal map, given by a function u: {feet} -> R, such that if edge e (from v to w) has its length scaled by u(v)⋅ u(w) then the sum-of-angles=2π condition holds at each vertex (with special treatment for a vertex at infinity; I skip details). Then the triangulation can be laid out on the plane, and projected back stereographically to the sphere. In this manner, we got good approximations of where the feet should be.
Now we run Newton's method on the feet positions, using as variables the lifted-feet positions. This is the external program "hsolve". It is assumed that the down-feet contain 0 and ∞, so that the rational map we are looking for is of the form f(z) = C⋅∏(z-c_i)^d_i for known integers d_i. The c_i are the lifted-feet above 0 and ∞, and the equations in Newton's method say that the log-derivative of f must vanish at appropriate lifted-feet, and that f must map these lifted-feet to the down-feet. DeclareOperation("BranchedCoveringByMonodromy", [IsMarkedSphere,IsGroupHomomorphism]); DeclareOperation("BranchedCoveringByMonodromy", [IsMarkedSphere,IsGroupHomomorphism,IsRecord]);
‣ BranchedCoveringByMonodromy ( sphere, monodromy[, last] ) | ( operation ) |
Returns: A record describing a Hurwitz map.
If sphere is a marked sphere, marked by a group G, and monodromy is a homomorphism from G to a permutation group, this function computes a rational map whose critical values are the vertices of sphere and whose monodromy about these critical values is given by monodromy.
The returned data are in a record with a field degree
, the degree of the map; two fields map
and post
, describing the desired P^1-map --- post
is a Möbius transformation, and the composition of map
and post
is the desired map; and lists zeros
, poles
and cp
describing the zeros, poles and critical points of the map. Each entry in these lists is a record with entries degree
, pos
and to
giving, for each point in the source of map
, the local degree and the vertex in sphere it maps to.
If a third argument is supplied, it should be a record similar to the return value of the command. If the result is close enough to the supplied record, it will be used to speed up the calculation.
This function requires external programs in the subdirectory "hurwitz" to have been compiled.
gap> # we'll construct 2d-2 points on the equator, and permutations gap> # in order (1,2),...,(d-1,d),(d-1,d),...,(1,2) for these points. gap> # first, the marked sphere gap> d := 20;; gap> z := List([0..2*d-3], i->P1Point(Exp(i*PMCOMPLEX.constants.2IPI/(2*d-2))));; gap> g := SphereGroup(2*d-2);; gap> sphere := NewMarkedSphere(z,g);; gap> # next, the permutation representation gap> perms := List([1..d-1],i->(i,i+1));; gap> Append(perms,Reversed(perms)); gap> perms := GroupHomomorphismByImages(g,SymmetricGroup(d),GeneratorsOfGroup(g),perms);; gap> # now compute the map gap> BranchedCoveringByMonodromy(sphere,perms); rec( cp := [ rec( degree := 2, pos := <1.0022-0.0099955i>, to := <vertex 19[ 9, 132, 13, 125 ]> ), rec( degree := 2, pos := <1.0022-0.0099939i>, to := <vertex 20[ 136, 128, 129, 11 ]> ), rec( degree := 2, pos := <1.0039-0.0027487i>, to := <vertex 10[ 73, 74, 16, 82 ]> ), rec( degree := 2, pos := <1.0006-0.0027266i>, to := <vertex 29[ 185, 20, 179, 21 ]> ), rec( degree := 2, pos := <1.0045-7.772e-05i>, to := <vertex 9[ 24, 77, 17, 72 ]> ), rec( degree := 2, pos := <1.1739+0.33627i>, to := <vertex 2[ 31, 32, 41, 28 ]> ), rec( degree := 2, pos := <1.0546+0.12276i>, to := <vertex 3[ 37, 38, 33, 46 ]> ), rec( degree := 2, pos := <1.026+0.061128i>, to := <vertex 4[ 43, 39, 52, 45 ]> ), rec( degree := 2, pos := <1.0148+0.03305i>, to := <vertex 5[ 49, 44, 58, 51 ]> ), rec( degree := 2, pos := <1.0098+0.018122i>, to := <vertex 6[ 55, 50, 64, 57 ]> ), rec( degree := 2, pos := <1.0071+0.0093947i>, to := <vertex 7[ 61, 62, 71, 59 ]> ), rec( degree := 2, pos := <1.0055+0.0037559i>, to := <vertex 8[ 67, 68, 63, 69 ]> ), rec( degree := 2, pos := <1.0035-0.0047633i>, to := <vertex 11[ 79, 75, 88, 81 ]> ), rec( degree := 2, pos := <1.0031-0.0062329i>, to := <vertex 12[ 85, 80, 94, 87 ]> ), rec( degree := 2, pos := <1.0029-0.0073311i>, to := <vertex 13[ 91, 86, 100, 93 ]> ), rec( degree := 2, pos := <1.0027-0.008187i>, to := <vertex 14[ 97, 92, 106, 99 ]> ), rec( degree := 2, pos := <1.0026-0.008824i>, to := <vertex 15[ 103, 98, 112, 105 ]> ), rec( degree := 2, pos := <1.0025-0.0092966i>, to := <vertex 16[ 109, 104, 118, 111 ]> ), rec( degree := 2, pos := <1.0024-0.0096345i>, to := <vertex 17[ 115, 110, 124, 117 ]> ), rec( degree := 2, pos := <1.0023-0.0098698i>, to := <vertex 18[ 121, 116, 122, 123 ]> ), rec( degree := 2, pos := <1.0021-0.0098672i>, to := <vertex 21[ 133, 127, 142, 135 ]> ), rec( degree := 2, pos := <1.002-0.0096298i>, to := <vertex 22[ 139, 134, 148, 141 ]> ), rec( degree := 2, pos := <1.002-0.0092884i>, to := <vertex 23[ 145, 140, 154, 147 ]> ), rec( degree := 2, pos := <1.0019-0.0088147i>, to := <vertex 24[ 151, 146, 160, 153 ]> ), rec( degree := 2, pos := <1.0017-0.008166i>, to := <vertex 25[ 157, 152, 166, 159 ]> ), rec( degree := 2, pos := <1.0016-0.0073244i>, to := <vertex 26[ 163, 158, 172, 165 ]> ), rec( degree := 2, pos := <1.0014-0.0061985i>, to := <vertex 27[ 169, 164, 178, 171 ]> ), rec( degree := 2, pos := <1.0011-0.0047031i>, to := <vertex 28[ 175, 170, 176, 177 ]> ), rec( degree := 2, pos := <0.99908+0.0038448i>, to := <vertex 31[ 187, 183, 196, 189 ]> ), rec( degree := 2, pos := <0.99759+0.0094326i>, to := <vertex 32[ 193, 188, 202, 195 ]> ), rec( degree := 2, pos := <0.99461+0.018114i>, to := <vertex 33[ 199, 194, 208, 201 ]> ), rec( degree := 2, pos := <0.98944+0.032796i>, to := <vertex 34[ 205, 200, 214, 207 ]> ), rec( degree := 2, pos := <0.9772+0.058259i>, to := <vertex 35[ 211, 206, 220, 213 ]> ), rec( degree := 2, pos := <0.94133+0.11243i>, to := <vertex 36[ 217, 212, 226, 219 ]> ), rec( degree := 2, pos := <0.79629+0.23807i>, to := <vertex 37[ 223, 224, 225, 221 ]> ), rec( degree := 2, pos := <1+0i>, to := <vertex 30[ 181, 182, 6, 190 ]> ) ], degree := 20, map := <((-0.32271060393507572-4.3599244721894763i_z)*z^20+(3.8941736874493795+78.415744809040405\ i_z)*z^19+(-16.808157937605603-665.79436908026275i_z)*z^18+(2.6572296014719168+3545.861245383101i_z\ )*z^17+(316.57668022762243-13273.931613611372i_z)*z^16+(-1801.6631038749117+37090.818733740503i_z)*\ z^15+(5888.6033008259928-80172.972599556582i_z)*z^14+(-13500.864941314803+137069.10015838256i_z)*z^\ 13+(23251.436304923012-187900.36507913063i_z)*z^12+(-31048.192131502536+208077.63047409133i_z)*z^11\ +(32639.349270133433-186578.17493860485i_z)*z^10+(-27155.791223040047+135145.40893002271i_z)*z^9+(1\ 7836.343164500577-78489.005444299968i_z)*z^8+(-9153.842142530224+36053.895961137248i_z)*z^7+(3598.6\ 408777659944-12810.65497539577i_z)*z^6+(-1047.541279063196+3397.470068169695i_z)*z^5+(212.906725643\ 0024-633.29691376653466i_z)*z^4+(-26.989372105307872+74.040615571896637i_z)*z^3+(1.6073346640110264\ -4.0860733899027055i_z)*z^2)/(z^18+(-18.034645372692019-0.45671993287358581i_z)*z^17+(153.540499397\ 49956+7.7811506405054889i_z)*z^16+(-819.9344323563339-62.384270590463998i_z)*z^15+(3077.71530771320\ 75+312.59552100187739i_z)*z^14+(-8623.1225834872057-1096.4398001099003i_z)*z^13+(18689.34396825033+\ 2856.8568878158458i_z)*z^12+(-32038.568184053798-5725.9186424029094i_z)*z^11+(44038.148375498437+90\ 17.0162876593004i_z)*z^10+(-48898.555649389084-11295.156285052604i_z)*z^9+(43964.579894637543+11318\ .997395732025i_z)*z^8+(-31931.403449371515-9074.2344933443364i_z)*z^7+(18595.347261301522+5786.6036\ 424805825i_z)*z^6+(-8565.0823844971637-2899.3353634270734i_z)*z^5+(3051.6919509143086+1117.44496422\ 99487i_z)*z^4+(-811.56293104533825-319.93036282549667i_z)*z^3+(151.69784956523344+64.11787684283315\ 5i_z)*z^2+(-17.785127700028404-8.0311759305108268i_z)*z+(0.98427999507354302+0.47338721325094818i_z\ ))>, poles := [ rec( degree := 1, pos := <0.99517+0.30343i>, to := <vertex 1[ 26, 27, 1, 34 ]> ), rec( degree := 1, pos := <1.0021+0.11512i>, to := <vertex 1[ 26, 27, 1, 34 ]> ), rec( degree := 1, pos := <1.0028+0.05702i>, to := <vertex 1[ 26, 27, 1, 34 ]> ), rec( degree := 1, pos := <1.0026+0.030964i>, to := <vertex 1[ 26, 27, 1, 34 ]> ), rec( degree := 1, pos := <1.0025+0.016951i>, to := <vertex 1[ 26, 27, 1, 34 ]> ), rec( degree := 1, pos := <1.0024+0.0085784i>, to := <vertex 1[ 26, 27, 1, 34 ]> ), rec( degree := 1, pos := <1.0024+0.003208i>, to := <vertex 1[ 26, 27, 1, 34 ]> ), rec( degree := 1, pos := <1.0023-0.00046905i>, to := <vertex 1[ 26, 27, 1, 34 ]> ), rec( degree := 1, pos := <1.0023-0.0030802i>, to := <vertex 1[ 26, 27, 1, 34 ]> ), rec( degree := 1, pos := <1.0023-0.0049913i>, to := <vertex 1[ 26, 27, 1, 34 ]> ), rec( degree := 1, pos := <1.0023-0.0064163i>, to := <vertex 1[ 26, 27, 1, 34 ]> ), rec( degree := 1, pos := <1.0022-0.0074855i>, to := <vertex 1[ 26, 27, 1, 34 ]> ), rec( degree := 1, pos := <1.0022-0.0082954i>, to := <vertex 1[ 26, 27, 1, 34 ]> ), rec( degree := 1, pos := <1.0022-0.0089048i>, to := <vertex 1[ 26, 27, 1, 34 ]> ), rec( degree := 1, pos := <1.0022-0.0093543i>, to := <vertex 1[ 26, 27, 1, 34 ]> ), rec( degree := 1, pos := <1.0022-0.0096742i>, to := <vertex 1[ 26, 27, 1, 34 ]> ), rec( degree := 1, pos := <1.0022-0.0098869i>, to := <vertex 1[ 26, 27, 1, 34 ]> ), rec( degree := 1, pos := <1.0022-0.0099988i>, to := <vertex 1[ 26, 27, 1, 34 ]> ), rec( degree := 2, pos := <P1infinity>, to := <vertex 1[ 26, 27, 1, 34 ]> ) ], post := <((-0.91742065452766763+0.99658449300666985i_z)*z+(0.74087581626192234-1.1339948562200648\ i_z))/((-0.75451451285920013+0.96940026593933015i_z)*z+(0.75451451285920013-0.96940026593933015i_z)\ )>, zeros := [ rec( degree := 1, pos := <0.92957+0.28362i>, to := <vertex 38[ 30, 3, 228, 7 ]> ), rec( degree := 1, pos := <0.99173+0.11408i>, to := <vertex 38[ 30, 3, 228, 7 ]> ), rec( degree := 1, pos := <0.99985+0.056874i>, to := <vertex 38[ 30, 3, 228, 7 ]> ), rec( degree := 1, pos := <1.0014+0.030945i>, to := <vertex 38[ 30, 3, 228, 7 ]> ), rec( degree := 1, pos := <1.002+0.016938i>, to := <vertex 38[ 30, 3, 228, 7 ]> ), rec( degree := 1, pos := <1.0022+0.0085785i>, to := <vertex 38[ 30, 3, 228, 7 ]> ), rec( degree := 1, pos := <1.0022+0.0032076i>, to := <vertex 38[ 30, 3, 228, 7 ]> ), rec( degree := 1, pos := <1.0022-0.00046827i>, to := <vertex 38[ 30, 3, 228, 7 ]> ), rec( degree := 1, pos := <1.0022-0.0030802i>, to := <vertex 38[ 30, 3, 228, 7 ]> ), rec( degree := 1, pos := <1.0022-0.0049908i>, to := <vertex 38[ 30, 3, 228, 7 ]> ), rec( degree := 1, pos := <1.0022-0.006416i>, to := <vertex 38[ 30, 3, 228, 7 ]> ), rec( degree := 1, pos := <1.0022-0.0074855i>, to := <vertex 38[ 30, 3, 228, 7 ]> ), rec( degree := 1, pos := <1.0022-0.0082953i>, to := <vertex 38[ 30, 3, 228, 7 ]> ), rec( degree := 1, pos := <1.0022-0.0089047i>, to := <vertex 38[ 30, 3, 228, 7 ]> ), rec( degree := 1, pos := <1.0022-0.0093542i>, to := <vertex 38[ 30, 3, 228, 7 ]> ), rec( degree := 1, pos := <1.0022-0.0096742i>, to := <vertex 38[ 30, 3, 228, 7 ]> ), rec( degree := 1, pos := <1.0022-0.0098869i>, to := <vertex 38[ 30, 3, 228, 7 ]> ), rec( degree := 1, pos := <1.0022-0.0099988i>, to := <vertex 38[ 30, 3, 228, 7 ]> ), rec( degree := 2, pos := <0+0i>, to := <vertex 38[ 30, 3, 228, 7 ]> ) ] )
DeclareOperation("DessinByPermutations", [IsPerm,IsPerm]); DeclareOperation("DessinByPermutations", [IsPerm,IsPerm,IsPerm]);
‣ DessinByPermutations ( s0, s1[, sinf] ) | ( operation ) |
Returns: A rational map (see BranchedCoveringByMonodromy
(4.4-1)) with monodromies s,t.
This command computes the Hurwitz map associated with the spanning tree [0,1]∪[1,∞]; the monodromy representation is by the permutation s0 at 0 and s1 at 1. The optional third argument sinf is the monodromy at ∞, and must equal s_0^-1s_1^-1.
The data is returned as a record, with entries degree
, map
, post
, and lists poles
, zeros
, and above1
. Each entry in the list is a record with entries pos
and degree
gap> DessinByPermutations((1,2),(2,3)); rec( above1 := [ rec( degree := 2, pos := <1+0i> ), rec( degree := 1, pos := <-0.5-1.808e-14i> ) ], degree := 3, map := <(-1.9999999999946754+2.1696575743432764e-13i_z)*z^3+(2.9999999999946754-2.1696575743432764e-13i_z)*z^2>, poles := [ rec( degree := 3, pos := <P1infinity> ) ], post := <z>, zeros := [ rec( degree := 1, pos := <1.5+5.4241e-14i> ), rec( degree := 2, pos := <0+0i> ) ] ) gap> # the Cui example gap> DessinByPermutations((1,3,12,4)(5,9)(6,7)(10,13,11)(2,8), (1,5,13,6)(7,10)(2,3)(8,11,12)(4,9), (1,7,11,2)(3,8)(4,5)(9,12,13)(6,10)); rec( above1 := [ rec( degree := 2, pos := <1.9952-0.79619i> ), rec( degree := 2, pos := <0.43236-0.17254i> ), rec( degree := 2, pos := <-0.9863-0.16498i> ), rec( degree := 3, pos := <-0.12749-0.99184i> ), rec( degree := 4, pos := <1+0i> ) ], degree := 13, map := <((-6.9809917616400366e-12+0.13002709490708636i_z)*z^13+(-0.68172329304137969-0.8451761169\ 2062078i_z)*z^12+(4.0903397584184269+0.30979932084028583i_z)*z^11+(-6.3643009040280925+7.5930410215\ 99336i_z)*z^10+(-5.1732765988942884-16.738910009700096i_z)*z^9+(21.528087032174511+6.11354599010482\ 5i_z)*z^8+(-15.258776392407746+13.657687016998921i_z)*z^7+(-1.6403496019814323-13.453316297094229i_\ z)*z^6+(4.4999999996894351+3.3633290741375781i_z)*z^5+(-0.99999999990279009+2.5538451239904557e-11i\ _z)*z^4)/(z^9+(-4.4999999999400613+3.3633290744267983i_z)*z^8+(1.6403496020557891-13.45331629745540\ 7i_z)*z^7+(15.258776391831654+13.657687016903173i_z)*z^6+(-21.528087030670253+6.1135459892162567i_z\ )*z^5+(5.1732765986730511-16.738910007513041i_z)*z^4+(6.3643009027133139+7.593041020468557i_z)*z^3+\ (-4.0903397575324512+0.30979932067785648i_z)*z^2+(0.68172329288354727-0.8451761166966415i_z)*z+(5.0\ 734454343833585e-12+0.13002709487107747i_z))>, poles := [ rec( degree := 2, pos := <1.6127-0.49018i> ), rec( degree := 2, pos := <0.5-0.04153i> ), rec( degree := 2, pos := <-0.61269-0.49018i> ), rec( degree := 3, pos := <0.5-0.43985i> ), rec( degree := 4, pos := <P1infinity> ) ], post := <-z+1._z>, zeros := [ rec( degree := 2, pos := <1.9863-0.16498i> ), rec( degree := 3, pos := <1.1275-0.99184i> ), rec( degree := 2, pos := <0.56764-0.17254i> ), rec( degree := 2, pos := <-0.99516-0.79619i> ), rec( degree := 4, pos := <0+0i> ) ] )
gap> # IV.5.2 in Granboulan's PhD, the automorphism group of the Mathieu group M_22 gap> autm22 := Group((1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11)(12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22), (1,9,3,2)(4,8,17,21)(5,20,19,6)(12,22,16,13)(7,18)(10,11)(14,15), (3,8)(4,20)(6,18)(7,17)(9,11)(13,15)(16,21));; gap> IsomorphismGroups(DerivedSubgroup(autm22),MathieuGroup(22))<>fail; true gap> DessinByPermutations(autm22.1,autm22.2,autm22.3); ... gap> # IV.5.3 in Granboulan's PhD, the "extraterrestrial" dessin with group M_24 gap> m24_ET := Group((1,2,3)(4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24), (1,7,5)(2,4,23)(3,22,8)(9,21,19)(10,18,12)(13,17,15), (1,4)(2,22)(3,7)(5,6)(8,21)(9,18)(10,11)(12,17)(13,14)(15,16)(19,20)(23,24));; gap> IsomorphismGroups(m24_ET,MathieuGroup(24))<>fail; true gap> @IMG.hurwitzmesh := 0.4;; # need finer precision gap> DessinByPermutations(m24_ET.1,m24_ET.2,m24_ET.3); ...
IMG implements an algorith, extending the Thurston-Hubbard-Schleicher "spider algorithm" [HS94] that constructs a rational map from an IMG recursion. This implementation does not give rigourous results, but relies of floating-point approximation. In particular, various floating-point parameters control the proper functioning of the algorithm. They are stored in a record, IMG@
. Their meaning and default values are:
EPS@fr.mesh := 10^-1
If points on the unit sphere are that close, the triangulation mesh should be refined.
EPS@fr.p1eps := 10^-8
If points on the unit sphere are that close, they are considered equal.
EPS@fr.obst := 10^-1
If points on the unit sphere are that close, they are suspected to form a Thurston obstruction.
EPS@fr.fast := 10^-1
If the spider moved less than that amount in the last iteration, try speeding up by only wiggling the spider's legs, without recomputing it.
EPS@fr.ratprec := 10^-8
The minimal acceptable precision on the coefficients of the rational function.
For Thurston's algorithm, one starts by an arbitrary marked sphere (I chose its feet on the real axis, at equal small angles); computes a rational map using BranchedCoveringByMonodromy
(4.4-1), computes its sphere machine using SphereMachineOfBranchedCovering
(4.3-5), and matches the original sphere machine with the lifted one. This tells us which feet of the lifted marked sphere we should keep.
One then computes a normalized position for the sub-marked sphere: its last foot is put at ∞, another one (chosen cleverly) is on the positive real axis, and the center of mass of all feet (in R^3) is (0,0,0). This is much more stable, numerically, than putting three points at 0,1,∞. One has a Möbius transformation that puts the sub-marked sphere in normalized position, and again using SphereMachineOfBranchedCovering
(4.3-5) one computes its machine. One then composes the machines, and compares the product again to the original machine to determine the marking of the edges of the new marked sphere by group elements.
Then, one searches for all quadruples with large cross-ratio, and computes group-theoretically the curve separating the post-critical set in two parts that are well separated. One saturates the resulting curve into an invariant multicurve (aborting if there is an intersection between lifts), computes the Thurston matrix, and finds out (again algebraically) if there is an eigenvalue ≥ 1. There is no parameter in this part of the code, all quadruples are examined; this is a weakness of the current implementation, sometimes most of the computational time is spent on searching for obstructions when it's "clear" there are none.
The distance between two marked spheres (marked by the same group) is computed as follows: if their feet are close in the sense that the sum of the spherical distances between them is less that @IMG.fast
, then wiggle one of the spiders to make its feet match that of the other; and check that the identity map gives, by SphereMachineOfBranchedCovering
(4.3-5), the identity machine. In that case, the sum of the feet distances is the distance between the spheres. Otherwise, add to it some formula involving the entries in the biset, which gives large integer distances.
The Thurston algorithm stops when an obstruction is found or when the marked sphere moved less than @IMG.ratprec
. Inside the main iteration of the algorithm, if the spider moved less that @IMG.fast
, then don't compute the branched covering by monodromy, and don't compute the bisets; but just adjust the branched covering and the vertex positions of the spheres, guessing which ones should be kept. Check the guess: if it is incorrect, go back to the usual slow method. DeclareGlobalFunction("NormalizedP1Map"); DeclareProperty("IsBicritical", IsObject);
‣ NormalizedP1Map ( f, M, param ) | ( function ) |
Returns: [A canonical conjugate of f,the conjugator].
The last argument param is either IsPolynomial
, IsBicritical
or a positive integer.
In the first case, the map f is assumed conjugate to a polynomial. It is conjugated by a Möbius transformation that makes it a centered polynomial, namely a polynomial of the form z^d+a_d-2z^d-2+dots+a_0.
In the second case, the map f is assumed to have only two critical values; it is normalized as (az^d+b)/(cz^d+e).
In the third case, the map f is assumed to have degree 2; it is normalized in the form 1+a/z+b/z^2, such that 0 is on a cycle of length param.
DeclareOperation("ThurstonAlgorithm", [IsSphereMachine]);
‣ ThurstonAlgorithm ( m ) | ( operation ) |
Returns: rec(map := f, machine := M, markedsphere := s).
This command runs Thurston's algorithm on the sphere machine m. It either returns a record with the P1 map f
to which the algorithm converged, as well as the marked sphere with f
's post-critical set and a simplified machine equivalent to m; or a record returned by ThurstonObstruction
DeclareOperation("SpiderAlgorithm", [IsFRMachine]);
‣ SpiderAlgorithm ( m ) | ( operation ) |
Returns: rec(...) or fail
This command runs a symbolic algorithm on the FR machine m, attempting to interpret it as a polynomial sphere machine. It either returns
if m is not a sphere biset;
rec(minimal := true, machine, supportingangles, rayperiod, ordering, niter, transformation)
if m is a sphere biset with no obstruction; then machine
is a polynomial sphere machine equivalent to m, supportingangles
is a list of supporting rays in the sense of Poirier, see SupportingRays
(3.3-2); rayperiod
gives the periods of the rays, niter
is the number of iterations needed to produce the machine, and transformation
is the isomorphism between the fundamental groups of the old and new machines;
rec(minimal := false, machine, submachine, homomorphism, relation, niter, transformation)
if m is a sphere biset with an obstruction; then submachine
is the submachine obtained after removing the obstruction a sphere biset, homomorphism
is the inclusion of the submachine's stateset into that of machine
, relation
is an equivalence relation describing which points coalesce, and the other parameters are as above.
DeclareOperation("P1MapBySphereMachine", [IsSphereMachine]);
‣ P1MapBySphereMachine ( m ) | ( operation ) |
Returns: Either a map or an obstruction.
This command returs either the map computed by ThurstonAlgorithm
(4.5-2) or a Thurston obstruction.
It runs a modification of Hubbard and Schleicher's "spider algorithm" [HS94] on the sphere machine m.
The command accepts the following options, to return a map in a given normalization:
returns f=z^d+A_d-2z^d-2+⋯+A_0;
returns f=((pz+q)/(rz+s)^d, with 1postcritical;
returns f=1+a/z+b/z^2 or f=a/(z^2+2z) if n=2
gap> m := PolynomialSphereMachine(2,[1/3],[]); <FR machine with alphabet [ 1, 2 ] on Group( [ f1, f2, f3 ] )/[ f3*f2*f1 ]> gap> P1MapBySphereMachine(m); 0.866025*z^2+(-1)*z+(-0.288675)
DeclareOperation("ThurstonMatrix", [IsSphereMachine,IsMulticurve]);
‣ ThurstonMatrix ( m, multicurve ) | ( operation ) |
Returns: The transition matrix of the multicurve.
This command computes the iterated preimages of the multicurve multicurve till it obtains a backwards-invariant multicurve or some preimages intersect. In the latter case, fail
returned, while in the former case the Thurston matrix of the multicurve is returned.
gap> r := PolynomialSphereMachine(2,[],[1/6]);; gap> F := StateSet(r);; gap> twist := GroupHomomorphismByImages(F,F,GeneratorsOfGroup(F),[F.1,F.2^(F.3*F.2),F.3^F.2,F.4]);; gap> SupportingRays(r*twist^-1); rec( machine := <FR machine with alphabet [ 1, 2 ] on F/[ f4*f1*f2*f3 ]>, twist := [ f1, f2, f3, f4 ] -> [ f1, f3^-1*f2*f3, f3^-1*f2^-1*f3*f2*f3, f4 ], obstruction := "Dehn twist" ) gap> ThurstonMatrix(last.machine,[ConjugacyClass(F.2*F.3)]); [ [ 1 ] ]
DeclareOperation("ThurstonObstruction", [IsSphereMachine,IsMarkedSphere]);
‣ ThurstonObstruction ( m, sphere ) | ( operation ) |
Returns: rec(multicurve := mc, matrix := m) or fail
This command tries to find a Thurston obstruction (multicurve such that its Thurston matrix has spectral radius at least 1); it either returns fail
if the search was inconclusive, or a record describing the obstruction.
The obstruction is searched for by considering small subtrees of the minimal spanning tree of sphere, computing loops surrounding these subtrees, and saturating them into a multicurve by taking their iterated preimages, see ThurstonMatrix
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