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[BCN89] Brouwer, A. E., Cohen, A. M. and Neumaier, A., Distance-Regular Graphs, Springer-Verlag, Berlin (1989).

[BH11] Brouwer, A. E. and Haemers, W. H., Spectra of Graphs, Springer Science \& Business Media (2011).

[Bro18a] Brouwer, A. E., Database of strongly regular graphs (2018)

[Bro18b] Brouwer, A. E., Graph descriptions (2018)

[Cha59] Chang, L.-C., The Uniqueness and Non-Uniqueness of the Triangular Association Scheme, in Science Record, Peking Mathematical Society, 3 (1959), 604--613.

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[Del73] Delsarte, P., An algebraic approach to the association schemes of coding theory, Philips Research Reports. Supplements, 10 (1973), 143--161.

[Eva20] Evans, R. J., On regular induced subgraphs of edge-regular graphs, Ph.D. thesis, School of Mathematical Sciences, Queen Mary University of London (2020).

[GS16] Greaves, G. R. W. and Soicher, L. H., On the clique number of a strongly regular graph, Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 25(4) (P4.15) (2016).

[LN19] L{\"u}beck, F. and Neunh{\"o}ffer, M., GAPDoc -- A GAP package, Version 1.6.1 (2019)
(Refereed GAP package, available at \href{}{}).

[Shr59] Shrikhande, S. S., The Uniqueness of the L_2 Association Scheme, The Annals of Mathematical Statistics, 230 (3) (1959), 781--798.

[Soi10] Soicher, L. H., More on block intersection polynomials and new applications to graphs and block designs, Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A, 117 (7) (2010), 799--809.

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[Soi18] Soicher, L. H., GRAPE, GRaph Algorithms using PErmutation groups, Version 4.8 (2018)
(Refereed GAP package, available at \href{}{}).

[Soi19] Soicher, L. H., The DESIGN package for GAP, Version 1.7 (2019)
(Refereed GAP package, available at \href{}{}).

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