We provide the Splash
(6.1-1) function written by A. Egry-Nay.
The following are the methods that can be used to display aaa transducers.
‣ Splash ( str ) | ( function ) |
Returns: Nothing.
This function attempts to convert the string str into a pdf document and open this document, i.e. to splash it all over your monitor.
The string str must correspond to a valid dot
text file and you must have have GraphViz
and pdflatex
installed on your computer. For details about these file formats, see http://www.latex-project.org and http://www.graphviz.org.
This function is provided to allow convenient, immediate viewing of the pictures produced by DotTransducer
This function was written by Attila Egri-Nagy and Manuel Delgado with some minor changes by J. D. Mitchell.
gap> T := Transducer(2, 2, [[1, 2], [2, 1]], [[[0], []], [[1], [0, 1]]]);; gap> Splash(DotTransducer(T));
In this section, we describe the operations in aaa for creating pictures in dot
The operations described in this section return strings, which can be viewed using Splash
‣ DotTransducer ( T ) | ( operation ) |
Returns: A string.
For a transducer T, this operation produces a graphical representation of the transducer as an automaton. The output is in dot
format (also known as GraphViz
) format. For details about this file format, and information about how to display or edit this format see http://www.graphviz.org.
gap> T := Transducer(2, 2, [[1, 2], [2, 1]], [[[0], []], [[1], [0, 1]]]);; gap> DotTransducer(T); "//dot\n digraph finite_state_machine{\n rankdir=LR;\n node [shape=circle]\n 1\n 2\n 1 -> 1 [label=\"0|0\"]\n 1 -> 2 [label=\"1|\"]\n 2 -> 2 [label=\"0|1\"]\n 2 -> 1 [label=\"1|01\"]\n }\n"
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