Version 0.1.0
Collin Bleak
Fernando Flores Brito
Luke Elliott
Feyisayo Olukoya
The aaa package is a GAP package containing methods for transducers that can be represented as asynchronous automata. It implements the processes described in the paper by Grigorchuk, Nekrashevich, and Sushchanskii [GNS00] for working with finite transducers and the rational group R.
© 2017-2022 by Collin Bleak, Fernando Flores Brito, Luke Elliott, and Feyishayo Olukoya.
aaa is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
The current package is a complete rewrite of the original AAA package that was developed by Plamena Mineva-Sholz, Angela Richardson, and Ieva Vasiljeva under the supervision of Collin Bleak. This version has been structured following the Semigroups [M+18] package, a very useful recommendation of J. D. Mitchell, and contains all the functionality of the previous version, and more.
Special thanks to Michael Torpey and Wilf Wilson for their continuous support. Their ample knowledge about GAP and programming has made the development of this package run smoothly.
Manuel Delgado and Attila Egri-Nagy contributed to the function Splash
(6.1-1). The function DotTransducer
(6.2-1), written by Michael Torpey, is based on the Digraphs [DBJM+18] package function they wrote called DotString.
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