
Crossed Modules and Cat1-Groups

Version 2.92
Released 2024-01-23

This project is maintained by Chris Wensley

GAP Package XMod

The XMod package provides a collection of functions for computing with crossed modules and cat1-groups, their derivations and sections, morphisms of these structures, and higher-dimensional generalisations.

The current version of this package is version 2.92, released on 2024-01-23. For more information, please refer to the package manual. There is also a README file.

License: GPL-2.0-or-later


This package requires GAP version >=4.11.0

The following other GAP packages are needed:


Chris Wensley, Murat Alp, Alper Odabas, Enver Onder Uslu.


Please, cite this package as

[WAOU24] Wensley, C., Alp, M., Odabas, A. and Uslu, E. O., XMod, Crossed Modules and Cat1-Groups, Version 2.92 (2024)
(Refereed GAP package), https://gap-packages.github.io/xmod/.

You can get more info by typing Cite("XMod"); in the gap prompt.


For bug reports, feature requests and suggestions, please use the issue tracker.