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DotForDrawingDClasses 3.2-2
DotForDrawingDClassOfElement 3.1-2
DotForDrawingRightCayleyGraph 3.3-3
DotForDrawingSchutzenbergerGraphs 3.4-2
DrawCayleyGraph 3.3-2
DrawDClasses 3.2-1
DrawDClassOfElement 3.1-1
DrawRightCayleyGraph 3.3-1
DrawSchutzenbergerGraphs 3.4-1
GrahamBlocks 2.3-4
HasCommutingIdempotents 2.2-1
IsInverseSemigroup 2.2-2
License .-1
PartialTransformation 2.3-1
ReduceNumberOfGenerators 2.3-2
RightCayleyGraphAsAutomaton 2.4-1
RightCayleyGraphMonoidAsAutomaton 2.4-2
SemigroupFactorization 2.3-3
XAutomaton 4.1-1
XSemigroup 4.2-1

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