The aim of this package is to turn GAP more user-friendly, at least for semigroup theorists. It requires the usage of external programs as is the case of graphviz
[DEG+02], a software for drawing graphs developed at AT & T Labs, that can be obtained at It is used not only to draw right Cayley graphs of finite semigroups and Schüzenberger graphs of finite inverse semigroups but also to visualise in the usual way the egg-box picture of a D-classe of a finite semigroup.
Important note: The version of graphviz
to install must be greater or equal to 1.16.
Tcl/Tk should also be available in order to run the graphical interfaces
XAutomaton and XSemigroup
used to specify automata and semigroups.
Warning: the use of XAutomaton and XSemigroup is intended only for simple examples. After its use one may have to start another GAP session.
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