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\in 5.1-2
AddMethod 4.2-1
BindRecogMethod 4.1-3
calcnicegens 3.2-20
CalcNiceGens 3.2-23
CalcNiceGensGeneric 3.2-21
CalcNiceGensHomNode 3.2-22
CallMethods 4.3-1
CallRecogMethod 4.1-6
Comment 4.1-5
DisplayCompositionFactors 5.1-4
fhmethsel 3.2-13
findgensNmeth 3.2-26
FindHomDbMatrix 4.2-3
FindHomDbPerm 4.2-2
FindHomDbProjective 4.2-4
FindHomMethodsGeneric 4.4-4
FindHomMethodsMatrix 4.4-2
FindHomMethodsPerm 4.4-1
FindHomMethodsProjective 4.4-3
FindHomomorphism 3.3-1
FindKernelDoNothing 3.2-28
FindKernelFastNormalClosure 3.2-29
FindKernelRandom 3.2-27
forfactor 8.
forkernel 8.
gensN 3.2-25
gensNslp 3.2-30
Grp 3.2-6
Homom 3.2-7
ImageRecogNode 3.2-10
immediateverification 3.2-31
InitialDataForImageRecogNode 3.2-33
InitialDataForKernelRecogNode 3.2-32
isequal 3.2-35
IsLeaf 3.2-4
isone 3.2-34
IsReady 3.2-5
IsRecogMethod 4.1-1
IsRecognitionInfo 8.
IsRecogNode 3.2-2
KernelRecogNode 3.2-11
methodsforfactor 8.
methodsforimage 3.2-17
NiceGens 3.2-8
OrderFunc 3.2-36
ParentRecogNode 3.2-12
pregensfac 3.2-9
RecogMethod 4.1-2
RecogniseGeneric 3.1-1
RecogniseGroup 3.1-5
RecogniseMatrixGroup 3.1-3
RecognisePermGroup 3.1-2
RecogniseProjectiveGroup 3.1-4
RecognitionInfoFamily 8.
RecognizeGeneric 3.1-1
RecognizeGroup 3.1-5
RecognizeMatrixGroup 3.1-3
RecognizePermGroup 3.1-2
RecognizeProjectiveGroup 3.1-4
RecogNode 3.2-3 3.2-3
RecogNodeFamily 3.2-1
RIFac 8.
RIKer 8.
RIParent 8.
Size 5.1-3
slpforelement 3.2-14
SLPforElement 3.2-15
SLPforElementFuncsGeneric 4.4-8
SLPforElementFuncsMatrix 4.4-6
SLPforElementFuncsPerm 4.4-5
SLPforElementFuncsProjective 4.4-7
SLPforElementGeneric 3.3-2
SLPforNiceGens 5.1-1
slptonice 3.2-24
Stamp 4.1-4
StdPresentation 3.2-16
TryFindHomMethod 3.1-6
validatehomominput 3.2-18
ValidateHomomInput 3.2-19

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