In recent years, many authors have considered totally and mutually permutable subgroups. Recall that two subgroups A and B of a group G are totally permutable if every subgroup of A permutes with every subgroup of B, and they are mutually permutable if every subgroup of A permutes with B and every subgroup of B permutes with A.
We have defined some "One" functions which give a pair of subgroups which do not permute and prove that two subgroups fail to have a certain property.
We have also defined some functions to work with totally and mutually f-permutable subgroups, where f is a subgroup embedding functor.
The functions of this chapter are defined in a preliminary state.
‣ AreMutuallyPermutableSubgroups ( [G, ]A, B ) | ( function ) |
This function returns true
if the subgroups A and B of G are mutually permutable subgroups, that is, every subgroup of A permutes with B and every subgroup of B permutes with A, and false
otherwise. The method used here checks only that A permutes with all cyclic subgroups of B and that B permutes with all cyclic subgroups of A.
The method with two arguments assume that A and B have a common supergroup.
‣ OnePairShowingNotMutuallyPermutableSubgroups ( [G, ]A, B ) | ( function ) |
This function returns a pair of the form [ A, V ] with V a subgroup of B or of the form [ W, B ] with W a subgroup of A in which both subgroups do not permute, or fail
if this pair does not exist because the product is mutually permutable.
‣ AreTotallyPermutableSubgroups ( [G, ]A, B ) | ( function ) |
This function returns true
if the subgroups A and B of G are totally permutable, that is, every subgroup of A permutes with every subgroup of B, and false
otherwise. The method used here checks only that every cyclic subgroup of A permutes with every cyclic subgroup of B.
The method with two arguments assume that A and B have a common supergroup.
‣ OnePairShowingNotTotallyPermutableSubgroups ( [G, ]A, B ) | ( function ) |
This function returns a pair of the form [ V, W ], with V a subgroup of A and W a subgroup of B, such that both subgroups do not permute, or fail
if this pair does not exist because the product is totally permutable.
gap> g:=SymmetricGroup(4); Sym( [ 1 .. 4 ] ) gap> a:=AlternatingGroup(4); Alt( [ 1 .. 4 ] ) gap> b:=Subgroup(g,[(1,2,3,4),(1,3)]); Group([ (1,2,3,4), (1,3) ]) gap> AreMutuallyPermutableSubgroups(g,a,b); true gap> AreTotallyPermutableSubgroups(g,a,b); false gap> OnePairShowingNotTotallyPermutableSubgroups(g,a,b); [ Group([ (2,3,4) ]), Group([ (1,2)(3,4) ]) ] gap> c:=Subgroup(g,[(1,2,3)]); Group([ (1,2,3) ]) gap> AreMutuallyPermutableSubgroups(g,a,c); false gap> OnePairShowingNotMutuallyPermutableSubgroups(g,a,c); [ Group([ (2,3,4) ]), Group([ (1,2,3) ]) ] gap> AreMutuallyPermutableSubgroups(a,c); false gap> g:=SymmetricGroup(3); Sym( [ 1 .. 3 ] ) gap> a:=AlternatingGroup(3); Alt( [ 1 .. 3 ] ) gap> b:=Subgroup(g,[(1,2)]); Group([ (1,2) ]) gap> AreTotallyPermutableSubgroups(g,a,b); true
‣ AreMutuallyFPermutableSubgroups ( [G, ]A, B, fA, fB ) | ( function ) |
This function returns true
if the subgroups A and B are mutually f-permutable, and false
otherwise. Here A and B are subgroups of G and fA and fB are, respectively, lists of subgroups of A and B, respectively.
In the version with four arguments, A and B are assumed to be subgroups of a common supergroup.
‣ OnePairShowingNotMutuallyFPermutableSubgroups ( [G, ]A, B, fA, fB ) | ( function ) |
This function returns a pair of the form [ A, V ] with V a subgroup in fB or B or of the form [ W, B ] with W a subgroup in fA or A in which both subgroups do not permute, or fail
if this pair does not exist. Here A and B are subgroups of G and fA and fB are lists of subgroups of A and B, respectively.
In the version with four arguments, A and B are assumed to be subgroups of a common supergroup.
‣ AreTotallyFPermutableSubgroups ( [G, ]A, B, fA, fB ) | ( function ) |
This function returns true
if the subgroup A permutes with all subgroups in the list fB and B permutes with all subgroups in the list fA, and false
otherwise. Here A and B are subgroups of G, fA is a list of subgroups of A and fB is a list of subgroups of B.
In the version with four arguments, A and B are assumed to be subgroups of a common supergroup.
‣ OnePairShowingNotTotallyFPermutableSubgroups ( [G, ]A, B, fA, fB ) | ( function ) |
This function returns a pair of the form [ U, V ] with U a subgroup in fA or A and V a subgroup in fB or B in which both subgroups do not permute, or fail
if this pair does not exist. Here A and B are subgroups of G, fA is a list of subgroups of A and fB is a list of subgroups of B.
In the version with two arguments, A and B are assumed to be subgroups of a common supergroup.
gap> g:=SymmetricGroup(4); Sym( [ 1 .. 4 ] ) gap> a:=AlternatingGroup(4); Alt( [ 1 .. 4 ] ) gap> b:=Subgroup(g,[(1,2,3,4),(1,3)]); Group([ (1,2,3,4), (1,3) ]) gap> AreTotallyFPermutableSubgroups(g,a,b, > MaximalSubgroups(a),MaximalSubgroups(b)); false gap> OnePairShowingNotTotallyFPermutableSubgroups(g,a,b, > MaximalSubgroups(a),MaximalSubgroups(b)); [ Group([ (1,2,3) ]), Group([ (2,4), (1,3)(2,4) ]) ] gap> AreTotallyFPermutableSubgroups(g,a,b,DerivedSeries(a),DerivedSeries(b)); true
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