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2 Installation and Help of the PERMUT Package

2 Installation and Help of the PERMUT Package

Since all functions of this package are written in the GAP language, it is enough to unpack the archive file in a directory in the pkg hierarchy of your GAP 4 distribution. It has been tested on version 4.7.4 of GAP.

The PERMUT package requires that the package Format [EW03] be installed on the system, because it uses the functions PResidual (FORMAT: PResidual) and SystemNormalizer (FORMAT: SystemNormalizer) which are defined there. The Format package can be downloaded from the GAP web page (

The PERMUT package can be loaded with

gap> LoadPackage("permut");
Loading  FORMAT 1.4.3 (Formations of Finite Soluble Groups)
by Bettina Eick ( and
   Charles R.B. Wright (
maintained by:
   Bettina Eick ( and
   The GAP Team (
Report issues at
Loading  permut 2.0.4 (PERMUT: A package to deal with permutability in finite groups)
by Adolfo Ballester-Bolinches (,
   Enric Cosme-Llópez (, and
   Ramón Esteban-Romero (
maintained by:
   Ramón Esteban-Romero (
Report issues at

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