This package introduces a new datastructure that allows to define and compute with Lie p-rings in GAP. We first describe this datastructure in the case of ordinary Lie p-rings; that is, Lie p-rings for a fixed prime p with given structure constants. Then we show how this datastructure can also be used to define so-called 'generic' Lie p-rings; that is, Lie p-rings with indeterminate prime p.
Let p be a prime and let L be a Lie p-ring of order pn. Let (l1, …, ln) be a basis for L. Then there exist coefficients ci,j,k ∈ {0, …, p−1} so that the following relations hold in L for 1 ≤ i,j ≤ n with i ≠ j:
These structure constants define the Lie p-ring L. As the multiplication in a Lie p-ring is anticommutative, it follows that ci,j,k = −cj,i,k holds for each k and each i ≠ j. Thus the structure constants ci,j,k for i ≥ j are sufficient to define the Lie p-ring L.
This package contains the new datastructure LiePRing that allows to define Lie p-rings via their structure constants ci,j,k. To use this datastructure, we first collect all relevant information into a record as follows:
Each entry ci,j in the list tab is a list [k1, ci,j,k1, k2, ci,j,k2, …] so that k1 < k2 < … and the entries ci,j,k1, ci,j,k2, … are the non-zero structure contants in the product li ·lj. Thus if li ·lj = 0, then ci,j is the empty list. If an entry in the list tab is not bound, then it is assumed to be the empty list.
LiePRingBySCTable( SC )
LiePRingBySCTableNC( SC )
These functions create a LiePRing from the structure constants table record SC. The first version checks that the multiplication defined by tab is alternating and satisfies the Jacobi-identity, the second version assumes that this is the case and omits these checks. These checks can also be carried out independently via the following function.
CheckIsLiePRing( L )
This function takes as input an object L created via LiePRingBySCTableNC and checks that the Jacobi identity holds in this ring.
The following example creates the Lie 2-ring of order 8 with trivial multiplication.
gap> SC := rec( dim := 3, prime := 2, tab := [] );; gap> L := LiePRingBySCTable(SC); <LiePRing of dimension 3 over prime 2> gap> l := BasisOfLiePRing(L); [ l1, l2, l3 ] gap> l[1]*l[2]; 0 gap> 2*l[1]; 0 gap> l[1] + l[2]; l1 + l2
The next example creates a LiePRing of order 54 with non-trivial multiplication.
gap> SC := rec( dim := 4, prime := 5, tab := [ [], [3, 1], [], [4, 1]]);; gap> L := LiePRingBySCTableNC(SC);; gap> ViewPCPresentation(L); [l2,l1] = l3 [l3,l1] = l4
In a generic Lie p-ring, p is allowed to be an indeterminate and the structure constants are allowed to be rational functions over a polynomial ring in a finite set of commuting indeterminates. It is generally assumed that the indeterminate with name p represents the prime, the indeterminate with name w represents the smallest primitive root modulo the prime and there are further predefined indeterminates with the names x, y, z, t, j, k, m, n, r, s, u and v. These indeterminates are used in the database of Lie p-rings and they can be obtained via
IndeterminateByName( string )
The structure constants records for generic Lie p-rings are similar to those for ordinary Lie p-rings, but have the additional entry param which is a list containing all indeterminates used in the considered Lie p-ring. We exhibit an example.
gap> p := IndeterminateByName("p");; gap> x := IndeterminateByName("x");; gap> S := rec( dim := 5, > param := [ x ], > prime := p, > tab := [ [ 4, 1 ], [ 3, 1 ], [ 5, x ], [ 4, 1 ], [ 5, 1 ] ] );; gap> L := LiePRingBySCTable(S); <LiePRing of dimension 5 over prime p with parameters [ x ]> gap> ViewPCPresentation(L); p*l1 = l4 p*l2 = x*l5 [l2,l1] = l3 [l3,l1] = l4 [l3,l2] = l5 gap> l := BasisOfLiePRing(L); [ l1, l2, l3, l4, l5 ] gap> p*l[1]; l4 gap> l[1]+l[2]; l1 + l2 gap> l[1]*l[2]; -1*l3
A generic Lie p-ring defines a family of ordinary Lie p-rings by evaluating the parameters contained in its presentation. It is generally assumed that the indeterminate p is evaluated to a rational prime P and the indeterminate w is evaluated to the smallest primitive root modulo P (this can be determined via PrimitiveRootMod(P)). All other indeterminates can take arbitrary integer values (usually these values are in {0, …, P−1}, but other choices are possible as well). The following functions allow to evaluate the indeterminates.
SpecialiseLiePRing(L, P, para, vals)
takes as input a generic Lie p-ring L, a rational prime P, a list of indeterminates para and a corresponding list of values vals. The function returns a new Lie p-ring in which the prime p is evaluated to P, the parameter w is evaluated to PrimitiveRootMod(P) and the parameters in para are evaluated to vals.
SpecialisePrimeOfLiePRing(L, P)
this is a shortcut for SpecialiseLiePRing(L, P, [], []). We exhibit a some example applications.
gap> p := IndeterminateByName("p");; gap> w := IndeterminateByName("w");; gap> x := IndeterminateByName("x");; gap> y := IndeterminateByName("y");; gap> S := rec( dim := 7, > param := [ w, x, y ], > prime := p, > tab := [ [ ], [ 6, 1 ], [ 6, 1 ], [ 7, 1 ], [ ], > [ 6, x, 7, y ], [ ], [ 7, 1 ], [ 6, w ] ] );; gap> L := LiePRingBySCTable(S); <LiePRing of dimension 7 over prime p with parameters [ w, x, y ]> gap> ViewPCPresentation(L); p*l2 = l6 p*l3 = x*l6 + y*l7 [l2,l1] = l6 [l3,l1] = l7 [l4,l2] = l7 [l4,l3] = w*l6 gap> SpecialiseLiePRing(L, 7, [x, y], [0,0]); <LiePRing of dimension 7 over prime 7> gap> ViewPCPresentation(last); 7*l2 = l6 [l2,l1] = l6 [l3,l1] = l7 [l4,l2] = l7 [l4,l3] = 3*l6 gap> SpecialiseLiePRing(L, 11, [x, y], [0,10]); <LiePRing of dimension 7 over prime 11> gap> ViewPCPresentation(last); 11*l2 = l6 11*l3 = 10*l7 [l2,l1] = l6 [l3,l1] = l7 [l4,l2] = l7 [l4,l3] = 2*l6 gap> Cartesian([0,1],[0,1]); [ [ 0, 0 ], [ 0, 1 ], [ 1, 0 ], [ 1, 1 ] ] gap> List(last, v -> SpecialiseLiePRing(L, 2, [x,y], v)); [ <LiePRing of dimension 7 over prime 2>, <LiePRing of dimension 7 over prime 2>, <LiePRing of dimension 7 over prime 2>, <LiePRing of dimension 7 over prime 2> ]
It is not necessary to specialise all parameters at once. In particular, it is possible to leave the prime p as indeterminate and specialize only some of the parameters. (Except for w which is linked to p.)
gap> SpecialiseLiePRing(L, p, [x], [0]); <LiePRing of dimension 7 over prime p with parameters [ y, w ]> gap> ViewPCPresentation(last); p*l2 = l6 p*l3 = y*l7 [l2,l1] = l6 [l3,l1] = l7 [l4,l2] = l7 [l4,l3] = w*l6 gap> SpecialiseLiePRing(L, p, [y], [3]); <LiePRing of dimension 7 over prime p with parameters [ x, w ]> gap> ViewPCPresentation(last); p*l2 = l6 p*l3 = x*l6 + 3*l7 [l2,l1] = l6 [l3,l1] = l7 [l4,l2] = l7 [l4,l3] = w*l6
It is also possible to specialise the prime only, but leave all or some of the parameters indeterminate. Note that specialising p also specialises w. Again, we continue to use the generic Lie p-ring L as above.
gap> SpecialisePrimeOfLiePRing(L, 29); <LiePRing of dimension 7 over prime 29 with parameters [ y, x ]> gap> ViewPCPresentation(last); 29*l2 = l6 29*l3 = x*l6 + y*l7 [l2,l1] = l6 [l3,l1] = l7 [l4,l2] = l7 [l4,l3] = 2*l6
if K is obtained by specialising, then this attribute is set and contains the parameters that have been specialised and their values.
gap> L := LiePRingsByLibrary(6)[14]; <LiePRing of dimension 6 over prime p with parameters [ x ]> gap> K := SpecialisePrimeOfLiePRing(L, 5); <LiePRing of dimension 6 over prime 5 with parameters [ x ]> gap> LiePValues(K); [ [ p, w ], [ 5, 2 ] ]
Let L be a Lie p-ring with basis (l1, …, ln) and let U be a
subring of L. Then U is a Lie p-ring and thus also has a basis (u1, …, um). For 1 ≤ i ≤ m we define the coefficients ai,j ∈ {0, …, p−1} via
LiePSubring(L, gens)
Let L be a (generic or ordinary) Lie p-ring and let gens be a set of elements in L. This function determines a canonical basis for the subring generated by gens in L and returns the LiePSubring of L generated by gens. Note that this function may have strange effects for generic Lie p-rings as the following example shows.
gap> L := LiePRingsByLibrary(6)[100]; <LiePRing of dimension 6 over prime p> gap> l := BasisOfLiePRing(L); [ l1, l2, l3, l4, l5, l6 ] gap> U := LiePSubring(L, [5*l[1]]); <LiePRing of dimension 3 over prime p> gap> BasisOfLiePRing(U); [ l1, l4, l6 ] gap> K := SpecialisePrimeOfLiePRing(L, 5); <LiePRing of dimension 6 over prime 5> gap> b := BasisOfLiePRing(K); [ l1, l2, l3, l4, l5, l6 ] gap> LiePSubring(K, [5*b[1]]); <LiePRing of dimension 2 over prime 5> gap> BasisOfLiePRing(last); [ l4, l6 ] gap> K := SpecialisePrimeOfLiePRing(L, 7); <LiePRing of dimension 6 over prime 7> gap> b := BasisOfLiePRing(K); [ l1, l2, l3, l4, l5, l6 ] gap> U := LiePSubring(K, [5*b[1]]); <LiePRing of dimension 3 over prime 7> gap> BasisOfLiePRing(U); [ l1, l4, l6 ]
LiePIdeal(L, gens)
return the ideal of L generated by gens. This function computes a an induced basis for the ideal.
gap> LiePIdeal(L, [l[1]]); <LiePRing of dimension 5 over prime p> gap> BasisOfLiePRing(last); [ l1, l3, l4, l5, l6 ]
LiePQuotient(L, U)
return a Lie p-ring isomorphic to L/U where U must be an ideal of L. This function requires that L is an ordinary Lie p-ring.
gap> LiePIdeal(K, [b[1]]); <LiePRing of dimension 5 over prime 7> gap> LiePIdeal(K, [b[2]]); <LiePRing of dimension 4 over prime 7> gap> LiePQuotient(K,last); <LiePRing of dimension 2 over prime 7>
The functions described in this section work for ordinary and generic Lie p-rings and their subrings.
returns the underlying prime. This can either be an integer or an indeterminate.
returns a basis for L.
returns the dimension of L.
returns the list of indeterminates involved in L. If L is a subring of a Lie p-ring defined by structure constants, then the parameters of the parent are returned.
prints the presentation for L with respect to its basis.
Let L be a generic or ordinary Lie p-ring or a subring of such such a Lie p-ring.
returns the lower central series of L.
returns the lower exponent-p central series of L.
returns the derived series of L.
returns a minimal generating set of L; that is, a generating set of smallest possible size.
The following function has been implemented by Willem de Graaf. It uses the Baker-Campbell-Hausdorff formula as described in CGV12 and it is based on the Liering package CdG10.
Let L be an ordinary Lie p-ring with cl(L) < p. Then this function returns the p-group G obtained from L via the Lazard correspondence.
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LiePRing manual