This package defines a mapping between the JSON markup language and GAP. The built-in datatypes of GAP provide an easy mapping to and from JSON. This package uses the following mapping between GAP and JSON.
JSON lists are mapped to GAP lists
JSON dictionaries are mapped to GAP records
JSON strings are mapped to GAP strings
Integers are mapped to GAP integers, non-integer numbers are mapped to Floats
true, false and null are mapped to true, false and fail respectively
Note that this library is *NOT* intended to provide a general purpose library for transmitting any GAP object. If you wish to do this, look at the openmath package, or IO_Pickle in the IO package.
‣ GapToJsonStream ( stream, value ) | ( function ) |
Converts the value to JSON, and outputs it to stream. This function disables GAP's usual line splitting while JSON is being outputted.
‣ GapToJsonString ( value ) | ( function ) |
Returns: string
Converts a GAP value to a JSON string.
‣ JsonStringToGap ( string ) | ( function ) |
Returns: value
Converts a JSON string into a GAP value.
‣ JsonStreamToGap ( stream ) | ( function ) |
Returns: value
Reads a single JSON object from a stream and converts it to a GAP value.
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