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< > 3.2-1 4.1-1
\(A(n,d)\) 7.1-7
\(GF(p)\) 8.2
\(GF(q)\) 8.2
\(t(n,k)\) 4.8-7
\*, for codes 4.2-2
    for message and code 4.2-3
\+, for codes 4.2-1
    for codeword and code 3.3-3
    for codewords 3.3-1
\-, for codewords 3.3-2
\=, for codes 4.1-1
    for codewords 3.2-1
acceptable coordinate 7.4-2 7.4-3
AClosestVectorComb..MatFFEVecFFECoords 8.1-2
AClosestVectorCombinationsMatFFEVecFFE 8.1-1
ActionMoebiusTransformationOnDivisorP1 5.7-18
ActionMoebiusTransformationOnFunction 5.7-17
AddedElementsCode 6.1-8
affine code 4.3-13
AffineCurve 5.7-1
AffinePointsOnCurve 5.7-2
AlternantCode 5.2-6
AmalgamatedDirectSumCode 6.2-7
AreMOLS 7.3-13
AsSSortedList 4.5-5
AugmentedCode 6.1-6
AutomorphismGroup 4.4-3
BCHCode 5.5-4
BestKnownLinearCode 5.2-14
BinaryGolayCode 5.4-1
BitFlipDecoder 4.10-5
BlockwiseDirectSumCode 6.2-8
Bose distance 5.5-4
bound, Gilbert-Varshamov lower 7.1-9
bound, sphere packing lower 7.1-10
bounds, Elias 7.1-4
bounds, Griesmer 7.1-5
bounds, Hamming 7.1-1
bounds, Johnson 7.1-2
bounds, Plotkin 7.1-3
bounds, Singleton 7.1
bounds, sphere packing bound 7.1-1
BoundsCoveringRadius 7.2-1
BoundsMinimumDistance 7.1-13
BZCode 6.2-11
BZCodeNC 6.2-12
check polynomial 4. 5.5
CheckMat 4.7-2
CheckMatCode 5.2-3
CheckMatCodeMutable 5.2-2
CheckPol 4.7-4
CheckPolCode 5.5-2
CirculantMatrix 7.5-17
code 4.
code, \((n,M,d)\) 4.
code, \([n, k, d]r\) 4.
code, AG 5.7
code, alternant 5.2-5
code, Bose-Chaudhuri-Hockenghem 5.5-3
code, conference 5.1-2
code, Cordaro-Wagner 5.2-9
code, cyclic 4.
code, Davydov 5.3-2
code, doubly-even 4.3-10
code, element test 4.3-1
code, elements of 4.
code, evaluation 5.6
code, even 4.3-12
code, Fire 5.5-9
code, Gabidulin 5.3
code, Golay (binary) 5.4
code, Golay (ternary) 5.4-2
code, Goppa (classical) 5.2-6
code, greedy 5.1-6
code, Hadamard 5.1-1
code, Hamming 5.2-3
code, linear 4.
code, maximum distance separable 4.3-7
code, Nordstrom-Robinson 5.1-5
code, perfect 4.3-6
code, Reed-Muller 5.2-4
code, Reed-Solomon 5.5-4
code, self-dual 4.3-8
code, self-orthogonal 4.3-9
code, singly-even 4.3-11
code, Srivastava 5.2-7
code, subcode 4.3-2
code, Tombak 5.3-3
code, toric 5.6-4
code, unrestricted 4.
CodeDensity 7.5-4
CodeDistanceEnumerator 7.5-2
CodeIsomorphism 4.4-2
CodeMacWilliamsTransform 7.5-3
CodeNorm 7.4-2
codes, addition 4.2-1
codes, decoding 4.2-4
codes, direct sum 4.2-1
codes, encoding 4.2-3
codes, product 4.2-2
CodeWeightEnumerator 7.5-1
Codeword 3.1-1
CodewordNr 3.1-2
codewords, addition 3.3-1
codewords, cosets 3.3-3
codewords, subtraction 3.3-2
CoefficientToPolynomial 7.6-7
conference matrix 5.1-3
ConferenceCode 5.1-3
ConstantWeightSubcode 6.1-18
ConstructionBCode 6.1-13
ConstructionXCode 6.2-9
ConstructionXXCode 6.2-10
ConversionFieldCode 6.1-15
ConwayPolynomial 8.2-1
CoordinateNorm 7.4-1
CordaroWagnerCode 5.2-10
coset 3.3-3
CosetCode 6.1-17
covering code 4.8-7
CoveringRadius 4.8-8
cyclic 5.5-17
CyclicCodes 5.5-14
CyclicMDSCode 5.5-17
CyclotomicCosets 7.5-12
DavydovCode 5.3-3
Decode 4.10-1
Decodeword 4.10-2
DecreaseMinimumDistanceUpperBound 4.8-6
defining polynomial 8.2
degree 5.7-7
DegreeMultivariatePolynomial 7.6-2
DegreesMonomialTerm 7.6-8
DegreesMultivariatePolynomial 7.6-3
density of a code 7.5-3
Dimension 4.5-4
DirectProductCode 6.2-3
DirectSumCode 6.2-1
Display 4.6-3
DisplayBoundsInfo 4.6-4
distance 4.9-3
DistanceCodeword 3.6-2
DistancesDistribution 4.9-4
DistancesDistributionMatFFEVecFFE 8.1-3
DistancesDistributionVecFFEsVecFFE 8.1-4
DistanceVecFFE 8.1-6
divisor 5.7-4
DivisorAddition 5.7-6
DivisorAutomorphismGroupP1 5.7-20
DivisorDegree 5.7-7
DivisorGCD 5.7-11
DivisorIsZero 5.7-9
DivisorLCM 5.7-12
DivisorNegate 5.7-8
DivisorOfRationalFunctionP1 5.7-14
DivisorOnAffineCurve 5.7-5
DivisorsEqual 5.7-10
DivisorsMultivariatePolynomial 7.6-9
doubly-even 4.3-9
DualCode 6.1-14
ElementsCode 5.1-1
encoder map 4.2-3
EnlargedGabidulinCode 5.3-2
EnlargedTombakCode 5.3-5
equivalent codes 4.4
EvaluationBivariateCode 5.7-23
EvaluationBivariateCodeNC 5.7-24
EvaluationCode 5.6-1
even 4.3-11
EvenWeightSubcode 6.1-3
ExhaustiveSearchCoveringRadius 7.2-3
ExpurgatedCode 6.1-5
ExtendedBinaryGolayCode 5.4-2
ExtendedCode 6.1-1
ExtendedDirectSumCode 6.2-6
ExtendedReedSolomonCode 5.5-6
ExtendedTernaryGolayCode 5.4-4
external distance 7.2-13
FerreroDesignCode 5.2-11
FireCode 5.5-10
FourNegacirculantSelfDualCode 5.5-18
FourNegacirculantSelfDualCodeNC 5.5-19
GabidulinCode 5.3-1
Gary code 7.3-1
GeneralizedCodeNorm 7.4-4
GeneralizedReedMullerCode 5.6-3
GeneralizedReedSolomonCode 5.6-2
GeneralizedReedSolomonDecoderGao 4.10-3
GeneralizedReedSolomonListDecoder 4.10-4
GeneralizedSrivastavaCode 5.2-8
GeneralLowerBoundCoveringRadius 7.2-4
GeneralUpperBoundCoveringRadius 7.2-5
generator polynomial 4. 5.5
GeneratorMat 4.7-1
GeneratorMatCode 5.2-1
GeneratorPol 4.7-3
GeneratorPolCode 5.5-1
GenusCurve 5.7-3
GoppaCode 5.2-7
GoppaCodeClassical 5.7-22
GOrbitPoint 5.7-4
GrayMat 7.3-2
greatest common divisor 5.7-11
GreedyCode 5.1-7
Griesmer code 7.1-6
GuavaVersion 7.6-5
Hadamard matrix 5.1-2 7.3-3
HadamardCode 5.1-2
HadamardMat 7.3-4
Hamming metric 8.1-5
HammingCode 5.2-4
HorizontalConversionFieldMat 7.3-10
hull 6.2-4
in 4.3-1
IncreaseCoveringRadiusLowerBound 7.2-2
information bits 4.2-4
InformationWord 4.2-4
InnerDistribution 4.9-3
IntersectionCode 6.2-4
IrreduciblePolynomialsNr 7.5-9
IsActionMoebiusTransformationOnDivisorDefinedP1 5.7-19
IsAffineCode 4.3-14
IsAlmostAffineCode 4.3-15
IsCheapConwayPolynomial 8.2-1
IsCode 4.3-3
IsCodeword 3.1-3
IsCoordinateAcceptable 7.4-3
IsCyclicCode 4.3-5
IsDoublyEvenCode 4.3-10
IsEquivalent 4.4-1
IsEvenCode 4.3-12
IsFinite 4.5-1
IsGriesmerCode 7.1-7
IsInStandardForm 7.3-7
IsLatinSquare 7.3-12
IsLinearCode 4.3-4
IsMDSCode 4.3-7
IsNormalCode 7.4-5
IsPerfectCode 4.3-6
IsPrimitivePolynomial 8.2-2
IsSelfComplementaryCode 4.3-13
IsSelfDualCode 4.3-8
IsSelfOrthogonalCode 4.3-9
IsSinglyEvenCode 4.3-11
IsSubset 4.3-2
Krawtchouk 7.5-6
KrawtchoukMat 7.3-1
Latin square 7.3-10
LDPC 5.8
least common multiple 5.7-12
LeftActingDomain 4.5-3
length 4.
LengthenedCode 6.1-10
LexiCode 5.1-8
linear code 3.
LowerBoundCoveringRadiusCountingExcess 7.2-9
LowerBoundCoveringRadiusEmbedded1 7.2-10
LowerBoundCoveringRadiusEmbedded2 7.2-11
LowerBoundCoveringRadiusInduction 7.2-12
LowerBoundCoveringRadiusSphereCovering 7.2-6
LowerBoundCoveringRadiusVanWee1 7.2-7
LowerBoundCoveringRadiusVanWee2 7.2-8
LowerBoundGilbertVarshamov 7.1-10
LowerBoundMinimumDistance 7.1-9
LowerBoundSpherePacking 7.1-11
MacWilliams transform 7.5-2
MatrixRepresentationOfElement 7.5-10
MatrixRepresentationOnRiemannRochSpaceP1 5.7-21
MatrixTransformationOnMultivariatePolynomial 7.6-1
maximum distance separable 7.1-1
MDS 4.3-7 5.5-17
minimum distance 4.
MinimumDistance 4.8-3
MinimumDistanceLeon 4.8-4
MinimumDistanceRandom 4.8-7
MinimumWeight 4.8-5
MinimumWeightWords 4.9-1
MoebiusTransformation 5.7-16
MOLS 7.3-11
MOLSCode 5.1-4
MostCommonInList 7.5-15
MultiplicityInList 7.5-14
mutually orthogonal Latin squares 7.3-10
NearestNeighborDecodewords 4.10-7
NearestNeighborGRSDecodewords 4.10-6
NordstromRobinsonCode 5.1-6
norm of a code 7.4-1
normal code 7.4-4
not = 3.2-1 4.1-1
NrCyclicCodes 5.5-15
NullCode 5.5-12
NullWord 3.6-1
OnePointAGCode 5.7-25
OptimalityCode 5.2-13
order of polynomial 5.5-10
OuterDistribution 4.9-5
Parity check 6.1
parity check matrix 4.
perfect 7.1-1
perfect code 7.5-4
permutation equivalent codes 4.4
PermutationAutomorphismGroup 4.4-3
PermutationAutomorphismGroup 4.4-4
PermutationDecode 4.10-11
PermutationDecodeNC 4.10-12
PermutedCode 6.1-4
PermutedCols 7.3-8
PiecewiseConstantCode 6.1-20
point 5.7-1
PolyCodeword 3.4-2
primitive element 8.2
PrimitivePolynomialsNr 7.5-8
PrimitiveUnityRoot 7.5-7
Print 4.6-1
PuncturedCode 6.1-2
PutStandardForm 7.3-6
QCLDPCCodeFromGroup 5.8-1
QQRCode 5.5-9
QQRCodeNC 5.5-8
QRCode 5.5-7
QuasiCyclicCode 5.5-16
RandomCode 5.1-5
RandomLinearCode 5.2-12
RandomPrimitivePolynomial 8.2-2
reciprocal polynomial 7.5-10
ReciprocalPolynomial 7.5-11
Redundancy 4.8-2
ReedMullerCode 5.2-5
ReedSolomonCode 5.5-5
RemovedElementsCode 6.1-7
RepetitionCode 5.5-13
ResidueCode 6.1-12
RiemannRochSpaceBasisFunctionP1 5.7-13
RiemannRochSpaceBasisP1 5.7-15
RootsCode 5.5-3
RootsOfCode 4.7-5
RotateList 7.5-16
self complementary code 4.3-12
self-dual 5.5-18 6.1-14
self-orthogonal 4.3-8
SetCoveringRadius 4.8-9
ShortenedCode 6.1-9
singly-even 4.3-10
size 4.
Size 4.5-2
SolveLinearSystem 7.6-4
SphereContent 7.5-5
SrivastavaCode 5.2-9
standard form 7.3-5
StandardArray 4.10-10
StandardFormCode 6.1-19
strength 7.2-15
String 4.6-2
SubCode 6.1-11
Support 3.6-3
support 5.7-4
SylvesterMat 7.3-3
Syndrome 4.10-8
syndrome table 4.10-9
SyndromeTable 4.10-9
TernaryGolayCode 5.4-3
TombakCode 5.3-4
ToricCode 5.6-5
ToricPoints 5.6-4
TraceCode 6.1-16
TreatAsPoly 3.5-2
TreatAsVector 3.5-1
UnionCode 6.2-5
UpperBound 7.1-8
UpperBoundCoveringRadiusCyclicCode 7.2-17
UpperBoundCoveringRadiusDelsarte 7.2-14
UpperBoundCoveringRadiusGriesmerLike 7.2-16
UpperBoundCoveringRadiusRedundancy 7.2-13
UpperBoundCoveringRadiusStrength 7.2-15
UpperBoundElias 7.1-5
UpperBoundGriesmer 7.1-6
UpperBoundHamming 7.1-2
UpperBoundJohnson 7.1-3
UpperBoundMinimumDistance 7.1-12
UpperBoundPlotkin 7.1-4
UpperBoundSingleton 7.1-1
UUVCode 6.2-2
VandermondeMat 7.3-5
VectorCodeword 3.4-1
VerticalConversionFieldMat 7.3-9
weight enumerator polynomial 7.5
WeightCodeword 3.6-4
WeightDistribution 4.9-2
WeightHistogram 7.5-13
WeightVecFFE 8.1-5
WholeSpaceCode 5.5-11
WordLength 4.8-1
ZechLog 7.6-6

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