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3 Mal'cev collection
 3.1 The main functions
 3.2 An example application

3 Mal'cev collection

Let \(G\) be an infinite polycyclic group. It is well-known that there exist a normal \(T\)-group \(N\) and a \(T\)-group \(C\) such that \(H=CN\) is normal of finite index in \(G\) and \(H/N\) is free abelian of finite rank [Seg83]. In this chapter we present an effective collection method for an infinite polycyclic group which is given by a polycyclic presentation with respect to a polycyclic sequence \(P\) going through the normal series \(1 \le N \le H \le G\). This polycyclic sequence \(P\) must be chosen as follows. Let \((n_1,\dots,n_l)\) be a Mal'cev basis of \(N\) and let \((c_1N,\dots,c_k N)\) be a basis for the free abelian group \(CN/N\). Then \((c_1,\dots,c_k,n_1,\dots,n_l)\) is a polycyclic sequence for \(H=CN\). Further there exists \(f_1,\dots, f_j \in G\) such that \((f_1 H, \dots, f_j H)\) is a polycyclic sequence for \(G/H\). Now we set

\[P = (f_1,\dots,f_j, c_1, \dots , c_k, n_1, \dots, n_l )\]

3.1 The main functions

3.1-1 MalcevCollectorConstruction
‣ MalcevCollectorConstruction( G, inds, C, CC, N, NN )( function )

Returns a Mal'cev collector for the infinite polycyclically presented group \(G\). The group \(G\) must be given with respect to a polycyclic sequence \((g_1,\dots,g_r, c_{r+1}, \dots, c_{r+s}, n_{r+s+1}, \dots, n_{r+s+t})\) with the following properties:

The list inds is equal to \([ [1,\dots,r],[r+1,\dots,r+s],[r+s+1,\dots,r+s+t]]\). The group \(CC\) is isomorphic to \(C\) via CC!.bijection and given by a polycyclic presentation with respect to a Mal'cev basis starting with \(c_{r+1}, \dots, c_{r+s}\). The group \(NN\) is isomorphic to \(N\) via NN!.bijection. and given by a polycyclic presentation with respect to the Mal'cev basis \(( n_{r+s+1}, \dots, n_{r+s+t})\).

3.1-2 GUARANA.Tr_n_O1
‣ GUARANA.Tr_n_O1( n )( function )
‣ GUARANA.Tr_n_O2( n )( function )

for a positive integer n these functions construct polycyclically presented groups that can be used to test the Mal'cev collector. They return a list which can be used as input for the function MalcevCollectorConstruction. The constructed groups are isomorphic to triangular matrix groups of dimension n over the ring \(O_1\), respectively \(O_2\). The ring \(O_1\), respectively \(O_2\), is the maximal order of \(\Q(\theta_i)\) where \(\theta_1\), respectively \(\theta_2\), is a zero of the polynomial \(p_1(x) = x^2-3\), respectively \(p_2(x)=x^3 -x^2 +4\).

3.1-3 GUARANA.F_2c_Aut1
‣ GUARANA.F_2c_Aut1( c )( function )
‣ GUARANA.F_3c_Aut1( c )( function )

for a positive integer c these functions construct polycyclically presented groups that can be used to test the Mal'cev collector. They return a list which can be used as input for the function MalcevCollectorConstruction. These groups are constructed as follows: Let \(F_{n,c}\) be the free nilpotent of class \(c\) group on \(n\) generators. An automorphism \(\varphi\) of the free group \(F_n\) naturally induces an automorphism \(\bar{\varphi}\) of \(F_{n,c}\). We use the automorphism \(\varphi_1\) of \(F_2\) which maps \(f_1\) to \(f_2^{-1}\) and \(f_2\) to \(f_1 f_2^3\) and the automorphism \(\varphi_2\) of \(F_3\) mapping \(f_1\) to \(f_2^{-1}\), \(f_2\) to \(f_3^{-1}\) and \(f_3\) to \(f_2^{-3}f_1^{-1}\) for our construction. The returned group F_2c_Aut1, respectively F_3c_Aut2, is isomorphic to the semidirect product \(\langle \varphi_1 \rangle \ltimes F_{2,c}\), respectively \(\langle \varphi_2 \rangle \ltimes F_{3,c}\).

3.1-4 MalcevGElementByExponents
‣ MalcevGElementByExponents( malCol, exps )( function )

For a Mal'cev collector malCol of a group \(G\) and an exponent vector exps with integer entries, this functions returns the group element of \(G\), which has exponents exps with respect to the polycyclic sequence underlying malCol.

3.1-5 Random
‣ Random( malCol, range )( function )

For a Mal'cev collector malCol this function returns the output of MalcevGElementByExponents( malCol, exps ), where exps is an exponent vector whose entries are randomly chosen integers between -range and range.

3.1-6 *
‣ *( g, h )( function )

Returns the product of group elements which are defined with respect to a Mal'cev collector by the the function MalcevGElementByExponents.

3.1-7 GUARANA.AverageRuntimeCollec
‣ GUARANA.AverageRuntimeCollec( malCol, ranges, no )( function )

For a Mal'cev collector malCol, a list of positive integers ranges and a positive integer no this function computes for each number r in ranges the average runtime of no multiplications of two random elements of malCol of range r, as generated by Random( malCol, r ).

3.2 An example application

		gap> ll := GUARANA.Tr_n_O1( 3 );
		[ Pcp-group with orders [ 2, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ],
		  [ [ 1 .. 3 ], [ 4 .. 6 ], [ 7 .. 12 ] ],
		  Pcp-group with orders [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ],
		  Pcp-group with orders [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ],
		  Pcp-group with orders [ 0, 0, 0 ], Pcp-group with orders [ 0, 0, 0 ] ]
		gap> malCol := MalcevCollectorConstruction( ll );
		<<Malcev collector>>
		  F : [ 2, 2, 2 ]
		  C : <<Malcev object of dimension 3>>
		  N : <<Malcev object of dimension 6>>
		gap> exps_g := [ 1, 1, 1, -3, -2, 1, -2, -1, 0, 3, -1,3 ];
		[ 1, 1, 1, -3, -2, 1, -2, -1, 0, 3, -1, 3 ]
		gap> exps_h := [ 1, 0, 1, -1, 0, 2, 0, 4, -1, 5, 9,-5 ];
		[ 1, 0, 1, -1, 0, 2, 0, 4, -1, 5, 9, -5 ]
		gap> g := MalcevGElementByExponents( malCol, exps_g );
		[ 1, 1, 1, -3, -2, 1, -2, -1, 0, 3, -1, 3 ]
		gap> h := MalcevGElementByExponents( malCol, exps_h );
		[ 1, 0, 1, -1, 0, 2, 0, 4, -1, 5, 9, -5 ]
		gap> k := g*h;
		[ 0, 1, 0, -4, -2, 3, -7, 0, -37, -16, -352, -212 ]
		gap> Random( malCol, 10 );
		[ 0, 0, 1, 9, 5, 5, 2, -2, 7, -10, 7, -6 ]
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