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6 Francy Graphs
 6.1 Categories
 6.2 Families
 6.3 Representations
 6.4 Operations
 6.5 Global
 6.6 Attributes

6 Francy Graphs

A graph is visual representation or a diagram that represents data or values in an organized mode. With Francy, it is possible to build direct and indirect Graphs.

Please see examples section.

Please see Francy-JS for client implementation.

6.1 Categories

In this section we show all Francy Graph Categories.

6.1-1 IsFrancyGraph
‣ IsFrancyGraph( arg )( filter )

Returns: true or false

Identifies Graph objects.

6.1-2 IsFrancyGraphType
‣ IsFrancyGraphType( arg )( filter )

Returns: true or false

Identifies GraphType objects.

6.1-3 IsFrancyGraphDefaults
‣ IsFrancyGraphDefaults( arg )( filter )

Returns: true or false

Identifies GraphDefaults objects.

6.1-4 IsShape
‣ IsShape( arg )( filter )

Returns: true or false

Identifies Shape objects.

6.1-5 IsShapeType
‣ IsShapeType( arg )( filter )

Returns: true or false

Identifies ShapeType objects.

6.1-6 IsShapeDefaults
‣ IsShapeDefaults( arg )( filter )

Returns: true or false

Identifies ShapeDefaults objects.

6.1-7 IsLink
‣ IsLink( arg )( filter )

Returns: true or false

Identifies Link objects.

6.1-8 IsLinkDefaults
‣ IsLinkDefaults( arg )( filter )

Returns: true or false

Identifies LinkDefaults objects.

6.2 Families

In this section we show all Francy Graph Families.

6.3 Representations

In this section we show all Francy Graph Representations.

6.3-1 IsFrancyGraphRep
‣ IsFrancyGraphRep( arg )( filter )

Returns: true or false

Checks whether an Object has a Graph internal representation.

6.3-2 IsFrancyGraphDefaultsRep
‣ IsFrancyGraphDefaultsRep( arg )( filter )

Returns: true or false

Checks whether an Object has a GraphDefaults internal representation.

6.3-3 IsFrancyGraphTypeRep
‣ IsFrancyGraphTypeRep( arg )( filter )

Returns: true or false

Checks whether an Object has a GraphType internal representation.

6.3-4 IsShapeRep
‣ IsShapeRep( arg )( filter )

Returns: true or false

Checks whether an Object has a Shape internal representation.

6.3-5 IsShapeDefaultsRep
‣ IsShapeDefaultsRep( arg )( filter )

Returns: true or false

Checks whether an Object has a ShapeDefaults internal representation.

6.3-6 IsShapeTypeRep
‣ IsShapeTypeRep( arg )( filter )

Returns: true or false

Checks whether an Object has a ShapeType internal representation.

6.3-7 IsLinkRep
‣ IsLinkRep( arg )( filter )

Returns: true or false

Checks whether an Object has a Link internal representation.

6.3-8 IsLinkDefaultsRep
‣ IsLinkDefaultsRep( arg )( filter )

Returns: true or false

Checks whether an Object has a LinkDefaults internal representation.

6.4 Operations

In this section we show all Francy Graph Operations.

6.4-1 Graph
‣ Graph( IsFrancyGraphType[, IsFrancyGraphDefaults] )( operation )

Returns: Graph

Every object will be a subclass of this Graph. All the objects contain the same base information.


Create a simple Graph of type GraphType.DIRECTED with simple Shape and connected with Links:

gap> graph := Graph(GraphType.DIRECTED);
gap> SetSimulation(graph, false);
gap> shape1 := Shape(ShapeType.SQUARE);
gap> shape1!.layer := 1;
gap> shape2 := Shape(ShapeType.TRIANGLE);
gap> shape2!.layer := 3;
gap> link := Link(shape1, shape2);
gap> Add(graph, link);
gap> Add(graph, [shape1, shape2]);

Create a simple Graph of type GraphType.UNDIRECTED with simple Shape and with a TriggerEvent.RIGHT_CLICK Callback:

gap> graph := Graph(GraphType.UNDIRECTED);
gap> shape := Shape(ShapeType.SQUARE);
gap> MyFunction := function() Add(graph, Shape(ShapeType.Circle)); return graph; end;
gap> callback := Callback(TriggerType.RIGHT_CLICK, MyFunction);
gap> Add(shape, callback);
gap> Add(graph, shape);

6.4-2 UnsetNodes
‣ UnsetNodes( arg )( operation )

Removes all nodes from a graph.

6.4-3 UnsetLinks
‣ UnsetLinks( arg )( operation )

Removes all nodes from a graph.

6.4-4 Add
‣ Add( IsFrancyGraph[, IsLink, List(IsLink)] )( operation )

Returns: Graph

Add IsLink to a specific Graph.

6.4-5 Remove
‣ Remove( IsFrancyGraph[, IsLink, List(IsLink)] )( operation )

Returns: Graph

Remove IsLink from a specific Graph.

6.4-6 Add
‣ Add( IsFrancyGraph[, IsShape, List(IsShape)] )( operation )

Returns: Graph

Add IsShape to a specific Graph.

6.4-7 Remove
‣ Remove( IsFrancyGraph[, IsShape, List(IsShape)] )( operation )

Returns: Graph

Remove IsShape from a specific Graph.

6.4-8 Shape
‣ Shape( IsShapeType[, IsString(title), IsShapeDefaults] )( operation )

Returns: Shape

Every object will be a subclass of Shape object. All the objects contain the same base information.

6.4-9 GetShape
‣ GetShape( IsFrancyGraph, IsString )( operation )

Returns: Shape

Gets a Shape node from a Graph by ID.

6.4-10 GetShapes
‣ GetShapes( IsFrancyGraph, IsString )( operation )

Returns: List(Shape)

Gets a Shape node from a Graph by ID.

6.4-11 Add
‣ Add( IsShape[, IsMenu, List(IsMenu)] )( operation )

Returns: Shape

Add a Menu to a specific Shape.

6.4-12 Remove
‣ Remove( IsShape[, IsMenu, List(IsMenu)] )( operation )

Returns: Shape

Remove a Menu from a specific Shape.

6.4-13 Add
‣ Add( IsShape[, IsCallback, List(IsCallback)] )( operation )

Returns: Shape

Add a Callback to a specific Shape.

6.4-14 Remove
‣ Remove( IsShape[, IsCallback, List(IsCallback)] )( operation )

Returns: Shape

Remove a Callback from a specific Shape.

6.4-15 Add
‣ Add( IsShape[, IsFrancyMessage, List(IsFrancyMessage)] )( operation )

Returns: Shape

Add a Callback to a specific Shape.

6.4-16 Remove
‣ Remove( IsShape[, IsFrancyMessage, List(IsFrancyMessage)] )( operation )

Returns: Shape

Remove a Callback from a specific Shape.

6.4-17 Link
‣ Link( IsShape, IsShape )( operation )

Returns: Link

Creates a Link or edge between the two Shape.

6.4-18 Links
‣ Links( List(IsShape), List(IsShape) )( operation )

Returns: List(Link)

Creates a Link or edge between the Shape of the first list and the Shape of the second list.

6.4-19 GetLink
‣ GetLink( IsFrancyGraph, IsString )( operation )

Returns: Link

Gets a Link or edge from a graph by ID.

6.4-20 GetLinks
‣ GetLinks( IsFrancyGraph, IsString )( operation )

Returns: List(Link)

Gets a Link or edge from a graph.

6.5 Global

In this section we show all Global Callback Francy Records for multi purpose.

6.6 Attributes

In this section we show all Francy Core Attributes

6.6-1 Title
‣ Title( arg )( attribute )

Returns: IsString with the title of the object

Sets the Shape label title. Supports TeX syntax and will be Typeset, if supported by the client implementation.

6.6-2 Title
‣ Title( arg1 )( operation )

6.6-3 SetTitle
‣ SetTitle( IsRequiredArg, IsString )( operation )

Sets the Shape label title.

6.6-4 Color
‣ Color( arg )( attribute )

Returns: IsInt

The Color of the current Shape. This should be an hexadecimal colour value, e.g.: #ff0000

6.6-5 Color
‣ Color( arg1 )( operation )

6.6-6 SetColor
‣ SetColor( IsShape, IsString )( operation )

Sets the Color value. This should be an hexadecimal colour value, e.g.: #ff0000

6.6-7 PosX
‣ PosX( arg )( attribute )

Returns: IsInt

The Position in the X Axis of the Shape in the Canvas in pixels.

6.6-8 PosX
‣ PosX( arg1 )( operation )

6.6-9 SetPosX
‣ SetPosX( IsShape, IsInt )( operation )

Sets the Position in the X Axis of the Shape in the Canvas in pixels.

6.6-10 PosY
‣ PosY( arg )( attribute )

Returns: IsInt

The Position in the Y Axis of the Shape in the Canvas in pixels.

6.6-11 PosY
‣ PosY( arg1 )( operation )

6.6-12 SetPosY
‣ SetPosY( IsShape, IsInt )( operation )

Sets the Position in the Y Axis of the Shape in the Canvas in pixels.

6.6-13 Size
‣ Size( arg )( attribute )

Returns: IsPosInt

The Size of the Shape in pixels.

6.6-14 Size
‣ Size( arg1 )( operation )

6.6-15 SetSize
‣ SetSize( IsShape, IsPosInt )( operation )

Sets the Size of the Shape in pixels.

6.6-16 Layer
‣ Layer( arg )( attribute )

Returns: IsInt

The Layer level in which the node will be placed. This property might also be used to apply a different color depending on the layer level. Depends on the client implementation.

6.6-17 Layer
‣ Layer( arg1 )( operation )

6.6-18 SetLayer
‣ SetLayer( IsShape, IsInt )( operation )

Sets the Layer number on a Shape.

6.6-19 ParentShape
‣ ParentShape( arg )( attribute )

Returns: IsShape

The ParentShape in which the node will be placed. This property might also be used to apply a different color depending on the parent level. Depends on the client implementation.

6.6-20 ParentShape
‣ ParentShape( arg1 )( operation )

6.6-21 SetParentShape
‣ SetParentShape( IsShape, IsShape )( operation )

Sets the ParentShape on a Shape.

6.6-22 Simulation
‣ Simulation( arg )( attribute )

Returns: IsBool True if enabled otherwise False

Simulation is a property that sets the simulation behavior by applying forces to organize the graphics, without the need to provide custom positions on the rendered GUI. Depends on the client implementation.

6.6-23 Simulation
‣ Simulation( arg1 )( operation )

6.6-24 SetSimulation
‣ SetSimulation( IsCanvas, IsBool )( operation )

Sets the Simulation behavior, as per de description above.

6.6-25 Collapsed
‣ Collapsed( arg )( attribute )

Returns: IsBool True if enabled otherwise False

Collapsed is a property that sets Graph Tree structures to fold by default on the rendered GUI.

6.6-26 Collapsed
‣ Collapsed( arg1 )( operation )

6.6-27 SetCollapsed
‣ SetCollapsed( IsCanvas, IsBool )( operation )

Sets the Collapsed behavior, as per the description above.

6.6-28 Selected
‣ Selected( arg )( attribute )

Returns: IsBool True if enabled otherwise False

Selected is a property that sets Shape objects as selected by default on the rendered GUI.

6.6-29 Selected
‣ Selected( arg1 )( operation )

6.6-30 SetSelected
‣ SetSelected( IsCanvas, IsBool )( operation )

Sets the Selected behavior, as per the description above.

6.6-31 ConjugateId
‣ ConjugateId( arg )( attribute )

Returns: IsBool True if enabled otherwise False

ConjugateId is a property that is used to group Shape objects by default on the rendered GUI.

6.6-32 ConjugateId
‣ ConjugateId( arg1 )( operation )

6.6-33 SetConjugateId
‣ SetConjugateId( IsCanvas, IsBool )( operation )

Sets the Conjugate behavior, as per the description above.

6.6-34 Weight
‣ Weight( arg )( attribute )

Returns: IsInt

The Weight of the current Link or edge.

6.6-35 Weight
‣ Weight( arg1 )( operation )

6.6-36 SetWeight
‣ SetWeight( IsLink, IsInt )( operation )

Sets the Weight value on a Link or edge.

6.6-37 Length
‣ Length( arg )( attribute )

Returns: IsInt

The Length of the current Link or edge.

6.6-38 Length
‣ Length( arg1 )( operation )

6.6-39 SetLength
‣ SetLength( IsLink, IsInt )( operation )

Sets the Length value on a Link or edge.

6.6-40 Invisible
‣ Invisible( arg )( attribute )

Returns: IsBoolean

The Invisible property of the current Link or edge.

6.6-41 Invisible
‣ Invisible( arg1 )( operation )

6.6-42 SetInvisible
‣ SetInvisible( IsLink, IsBool )( operation )

Sets the Invisible property value on a Link or edge.

6.6-43 Color
‣ Color( arg )( attribute )

Returns: IsInt

The Color of the current Link or edge.

6.6-44 Color
‣ Color( arg1 )( operation )

6.6-45 SetColor
‣ SetColor( IsShape, IsString )( operation )

Sets the Color value on a Link or edge.

6.6-46 Title
‣ Title( arg )( attribute )

Returns: IsInt

The Title of the current Link or edge.

6.6-47 Title
‣ Title( arg1 )( operation )

6.6-48 SetTitle
‣ SetTitle( IsShape, IsString )( operation )

Sets the Title value on a Link or edge.

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