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[BNRW22] Bernhardt, D., Niemeyer, A. C., Rober, F. and Wollenhaupt, L., Conjugacy classes and centralisers in wreath products, J. Symbolic Comput., 113 (2022), 97--125.

[HH68] Harrison, M. A. and High, R. G., On the cycle index of a product of permutation groups, J. Combinatorial Theory, 4 (1968), 277--299.

[Ore42] Ore, O., Theory of monomial groups, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 51 (1942), 15--64.

[PR73] Palmer, E. M. and Robinson, R. W., Enumeration under two representations of the wreath product, Acta Math., 131 (1973), 123--143.

[P\t37] P\'olya, G., Kombinatorische Anzahlbestimmungen f\"ur Gruppen, Graphen und chemische Verbindungen, Acta Math., 68 (1) (1937), 145--254.

[Spe32] Specht, W., Eine Verallgemeinerung der symmetrischen Gruppe, Ph.D. thesis, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (1932).

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