‣ DrawFactorizationGraph ( f ) | ( operation ) |
Returns: a drawing
f is a set of factorizations Draws the graph of factorizations associated to f: a complete graph whose vertices are the elements of f. Edges are labelled with distances between nodes they join. Kruskal algorithm is used to draw in red a spannin tree with minimal distances. Thus the catenary degree is reached in the edges of the tree.
‣ DrawEliahouGraph ( f ) | ( operation ) |
Returns: a drawing
f is a set of factorizations Draws the Eliahou graph of factorizations associated to f: a graph whose vertices are the elements of f, and there is an edge between two vertices if they have common support. Edges are labelled with distances between nodes they join.
‣ DrawRosalesGraph ( n, s ) | ( operation ) |
Returns: a drawing
s is either a numerical semigroup or an affine semigroup, and n is an element of s Draws the graph associated to n in s.
‣ DrawRosalesGraph ( arg1, arg2 ) | ( operation ) |
‣ DrawOverSemigroupsNumericalSemigroup ( s ) | ( function ) |
Returns: a drawing
Draws the Hasse diagram of oversemigroupstree of the numerical semigroup s. Irreducible numerical semigroups are highlighted.
‣ DrawTreeOfSonsOfNumericalSemigroup ( s, l, generators ) | ( function ) |
Returns: a drawing
Draws the tree of sons of numerical semigroups up to level l with respect to the minimal system of generators given by the function generators.
‣ DrawHasseDiagramOfNumericalSemigroup ( s, A ) | ( function ) |
Returns: a drawing
plots a graph whose set of vertices is A, which is a finite set of integers, and whose edges are provided by the order of the numerical semigroup s.
‣ DrawTreeOfGluingsOfNumericalSemigroup ( s[, expand] ) | ( function ) |
Returns: a drawing
Returns a Francy canvas with the tree of gluings of the numerical semigroup s. If the optional argument expand is provided, then the tree is drawn fully expanded.
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