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2 Installation
 2.1 Installation of the GAP package
 2.2 Installation of cURL

2 Installation

Installation of the package is fairly easy. Fetch the latest qaos package at or via FTP at

2.1 Installation of the GAP package

If you have permission to add files to the installation of GAP 4 on your system you may install the qaos package into the pkg/ subdirectory of the GAP installation tree.

shell> cd /path/to/GAP4/installation/tree/
shell> cd pkg/
shell> tar xjf /path/to/qaos.tar.bz2

This yields another subdirectory called qaos/ with all the necessary files.

If you do not have the permission to install the package globally just install it to some private area, for example your home directory.

shell> cd ~
shell> mkdir mygap
shell> mkdir mygap/pkg
shell> cd mygap/pkg/
shell> tar xjf /path/to/qaos.tar.bz2

Now whenever you start GAP, be sure to pass the mygap/ directory to the package search path of GAP.

shell> gap -l ";$HOME/mygap"

2.2 Installation of cURL

Go to and fetch the latest release of cURL for your system. Install it. Refer to cURL installation instructions if necessary.

If you have downloaded precompiled binary packages for your system and none of them seem to work, you may also try installing cURL via sources. Just fetch the source archive, unpack it somewhere and say

shell> ./configure && make && make install

Finally, you can test for a successful curl installation by

shell> curl

If this command spits out lots of HTML into your terminal everything is installed properly. If not, adjust your $PATH variable such that

shell> which curl

finds a valid path to the curl binary.

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