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1 MathInTheMiddle automatic generated documentation
 1.1 MathInTheMiddle automatic generated documentation of global functions
 1.2 MathInTheMiddle automatic generated documentation of categories

1 MathInTheMiddle automatic generated documentation

1.1 MathInTheMiddle automatic generated documentation of global functions

1.1-1 StartMitMServer
‣ StartMitMServer( arg )( function )

Start the MitM SCSCP Server

1.1-2 MitM_SCSCPHandler
‣ MitM_SCSCPHandler( arg )( function )

Handle an SCSCP connection

1.1-3 StreamToMitMServer
‣ StreamToMitMServer( arg )( function )

Connect to an MitM server, and return a stream

1.1-4 SendObjToMitMServer
‣ SendObjToMitMServer( arg )( function )

Send a GAP object to an MitM server, via a stream

1.1-5 MitM_ReadSCSCP
‣ MitM_ReadSCSCP( stream )( function )

Returns: a record

Attempts to read a single OpenMath object from an input stream. The object should be enclosed in and tags. As output, this function returns a record containing some of the following components, which describe the outcome of the conversion attempt:

1.1-6 MitM_ReadToPI
‣ MitM_ReadToPI( stream )( function )

Returns: a record

Reads a stream up to and including an XML processing instruction (PI). Returns a record with the following components:

1.1-7 MitM_SCSCPServerHandshake
‣ MitM_SCSCPServerHandshake( in_stream, out_stream )( function )

Returns: a string or fail

Accepts an SCSCP connection from a client, by receiving messages from the client using in_stream and sending messages to the client via out_stream. Returns a string containing the version number if the connection was initiated successfully, and fail otherwise. This handshaking protocol is described in Section 5.1 of the SCSCP specification version 1.3

1.1-8 MitM_SCSCPClientHandshake
‣ MitM_SCSCPClientHandshake( in_stream, out_stream )( function )

Returns: a boolean

Initiates an SCSCP connection with a server, by receiving messages from the server using in_stream and sending messages to the server via out_stream. Returns true if the connection was initiated successfully, and false otherwise. This handshaking protocol is described in Section 5.1 of the SCSCP specification version 1.3

1.1-9 ListeningTCPSocket
‣ ListeningTCPSocket( arg )( function )

Creates a listening TCP socket

1.1-10 StartTCPServer
‣ StartTCPServer( arg )( function )

Start a TCP server

1.1-11 ConnectInputOutputTCPStream
‣ ConnectInputOutputTCPStream( arg )( function )

Connects to a remote TCP server and returns an InputOutputTCPStream or fail

1.1-12 AcceptInputOutputTCPStream
‣ AcceptInputOutputTCPStream( arg )( function )

Accepts a connection on a listening TCP socket and returns an InputOutputTCPStream or fail

1.2 MathInTheMiddle automatic generated documentation of categories

1.2-1 IsInputOutputTCPStream
‣ IsInputOutputTCPStream( arg )( filter )

Returns: true or false

Printable version of an IP address IsInputOutputTCPStream (???) is a subcategory of IsInputOutputStream (Reference: IsInputOutputStream). Streams in the category IsInputOutputTCPStream (???) are created with the help of the function InputOutputTCPStream (???) with one or two arguments dependently on whether they will be used in the client or server mode. Examples of their creation and usage will be given in subsequent sections.

1.2-2 IsInputOutputTCPStreamRep
‣ IsInputOutputTCPStreamRep( arg )( filter )

Returns: true or false

This is the representation used for streams in the category IsInputOutputTCPStream (???).

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