
Computing with elements of unipotent subgroups of Chevalley groups

Version 1.6
Released 2024-07-04

This project is maintained by Max Horn

Build Status Code Coverage

The Unipot package

The Unipot package provides GAP with the ability to compute with elements of unipotent subgroups of Chevalley groups, but also some properties of this groups.

Installing UNIPOT

This document describes the procedure of installing the package.

Installing Unipot should be easy once you have installed GAP itself. We assume here that you want to install Unipot in its standard location, which is in the pkg subdirectory of the main GAP4 installation.

You have to perform the following steps to install Unipot:

You can download the sources from https://gap-packages.github.io/unipot/

If you installed a complete copy of the standard GAP distribution, then Unipot is most likely already installed. If not, you can download the package Unipot separately. In that case go to the subdirectory pkg of the main GAP directory (when you installed the GAP distribution, a new directory called gap-4.<X> for some was created; this directory contains the `pkg` subdirectory). Then extract the sources of the `Unipot` package in there.

Loading Unipot in GAP

The documentation of the package is available in any GAP4 session, even if the package is not loaded. Like any other package, Unipot is loaded in GAP with

gap> LoadPackage("unipot");

within the GAP4 session.

Contact and support

If you have problems with this package, wish to make comments or suggestions, or if you find bugs, please report them via


Also, we would like to hear about applications of this package. (See “Citing Unipot”, section 3 of the manual preface.)

Copyright (C) 2000-2004, Sergei Haller

This code is released under the GPL version 2 or later (at your preference). For the full license text, consult the LICENSE file or visit https://www.gnu.org/licenses/.