A package for numerical semigroups
Version 1.4.0
Released 2024-08-30
This project is maintained by Manuel Delgado, Pedro A. Garcia-Sanchez
is a GAP package for computing with Numerical Semigroups.
The features of the package NumericalSgps
There is a manual in the sub-directory doc
written using the GAP package
gapdoc which describes the available functions in detail. The pdf, html
versions of the manual are also available there.
If you have used this package, please let us know by sending us an email. If you have found important features missing or if there is a bug, we would appreciate it very much if you send us an email.
The current maintainers of the package are:
Manuel Delgado mdelgado@fc.up.pt
Pedro A. García-Sánchez pedro@ugr.es
For the full list of contributors (and contributions), please refer to to the contributions appendix in the manual.
This package consists only of GAP code, so for its installation please refer to the GAP manual.
Please refer to the acknowledgements section in the manual.
A list can be found in swmath.