Computations with iterated monodromy groups
Version 0.3.3
Released 2022-09-19
This project is maintained by Laurent Bartholdi
The IMG package allows GAP to manipulate iterated monodromy groups
The current version of this package is version 0.3.3, released on 2022-09-19. For more information, please refer to the package manual. There is also a README file.
License: GPL-2.0-or-later
This package requires GAP version >=4.6.0. The following GAP packages are needed:
The following additional GAP packages are not required, but suggested:
Note also that IMG interacts with a GUI that displays interactively Julia sets on the sphere; it is included in the tarball, but has to be added manually if you clone the git IMG repository. Do this with git clone
in the root directory of IMG.
Installation has been tested with homebrew and macports. You definitely will need at least one of them. It is assumed that you already have a running installation of GAP, either packaged or self-compiled.
brew install cmake suite-sparse imagemagick node
; for macports: port install cmake SuiteSparse ImageMagick nodejs17
./configure --with-gaproot=<root> --with-cholmod=<cholmod-root>
; here <root>
is typically /opt/local/Cellar/gap/4.11.1/libexec
and <cholmod-root>
is typically /opt/local
Lukas Geyer has kindly contributed detailed instructions.
For bug reports, feature requests and suggestions, please use the issue tracker.