GAP packages

A list of undeposited packages for the GAP computer algebra system

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The GAP website has a list of packages distributed with GAP. This page is a list of GAP packages which are not distributed with GAP.

There are many fine reasons why a package may not be distributed with GAP: It may be in early development, it may never have been intended for wider redistribution, its authors just didn’t feel like, or whatever else.

This list is only occasional updated and may be out of date. We also do not claim that it is complete in any sense. If you are aware of any GAP package websites or repositories not listed below, then feel free to create a new pull a request to add them here.

  • AssociationSchemes (Homepage): A GAP package for working with association schemes and homogeneous coherent configurations
  • BruhatDecomposition: Computes the Bruhat decomposition of matrices in classical groups
  • COCO2P: GAP-package for the computation with coherent configurations
  • CoxIterGAP: Wrapper for the CoxIter program designed to compute invariants of hyperbolic Coxeter groups
  • EigenGap: Using the Eigen C++ library within GAP
  • FSR (Homepage): Feedback Shift Register Package
  • G2Comp: G2Comp/Equivariant 2-complexes
  • glabella (Homepage): Low level interfaces to graph automorphism and canonical labelling tools
  • GRPS1024 (Homepage): Library of the groups of order 1024
  • Gurobify (Homepage): A GAP interface to Gurobi Optimizer
  • IncidenceStructures (Homepage): GAP implementation of abstract incidence structures
  • Itest: An implementation of Barmak and Minian’s I-test
  • ModularGroup (Homepage): A collection of algorithms for computing with finite-index subgroups of (P)SL(2,Z).
  • Origami (Homepage): A package for computing the Veech group of square-tiled surfaces which are also known as origamis
  • The PEAL organisation has several packages for computing with permutation groups:
  • Posets: GAP Package for posets and finite spaces
  • QuickCheck: A “QuickCheck” library for the GAP language
  • Satisfiability: functionality to solve satisfiability constraint problems and access to minisat
  • semigroupviz (Homepage): Visualization tools for semigroups in GAP
  • SmallCancellation: Metric and nonmetric small cancellation conditions
  • SmallClassNr: Library of finite groups with small class number
  • TwistedConjugacy (Homepage): Computation with twisted conjugacy classes
  • WeylModules (Homepage): Functions for doing computations with Weyl modules in positive characteristic for a simple simply-connected algebraic group
  • WPE (Homepage): Efficient methods for working with wreath product elements
  • YAGS (Homepage): YAGS - Yet Another Graph System

Last updated: 2024-08-29 11:59